The Mill: Try to read from top to bottom on this one.
Training has been really awesome lately following CORE with a hybrid of some Crossfit. We've been focusing on sumo-deadlifts and front squats this cycle, and I have to tell you that my hammys are getting worked. I had the recent opportunity to travel for work and train with my brother at CORE doing some speed front squats. Surprise, surprise I'm wearing gray. The workout was a little front squat (video) and some heavy sumo's. Again, fried hammys. Sounds like bacon, huh. Trust me not as good.
Doing the push press, kettlebell, ring push up combo was that gut-busting workout I've been waiting for the last week or so. It was a different environment last night compared to the early morning workouts. There were actually people in there last night. I almost ran for cover when I saw them walking around the weight room. It's been so long since I've seen anyone in the gym not just on the elliptical. It was refreshing, and in a way, the kick start that I needed for the workout. A little background first to let you know that I usually, most always workout in the morning or on my lunch break. My wife and I alternate mornings to workout so the lunch quickie has been a part of my repertoire lately. I've found it very difficult to wait until I'm done with work to finally go to the gym. Crazy? Probably. Do I care? Not really. I was excited all day for this workout, like almost border line obsessed. Do you remember how you were on Christmas Eve when you were little? Can't sleep, can't eat, just pure excitement. When's Santa coming? Are the reindeer outside? Did I hear hear something on the roof? How's he going to get in if we don't have a chimney? That's how I felt yesterday at work. All I wanted was to go over there for 12 minutes and see how many rounds I could get. How much was it going to suck? Can I do it all unbroken? (no) Different questions were running through my head.
Well, I had to settle for the 5pm shift. And to my surprise, really wasn't that bad. But it wasn't too crowded because all the students went home for break. I think a workout partner is in order at least a few times per week. As for the workout itself, well, it tested a lot that's for sure. But big part of the weight room is trying to push through your normal limits and see how much you can handle. This one did just that. My arms were done, my forearms were fried, my hands turned into the claw, and my I almost fell backwards during the last set of kb swings. Yeah, I was that guy. It sure felt good to beat the hell out of myself last night. A nice little reality check for the weight room. Keeps you humble that's for sure.
For time:
Bar Facing Burpee
Box Jump
50# KB Swing
5:57...this was a nice little gut buster and quick hitter.
AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 Push Press, 135lbs
10 Kettlebell Swings, 70lbs
15 Ring Push Ups
5 rounds + 1 push press....this one was brutal
Five rounds for time
Weston - Hero WOD revised
Butcher Push 400ft, 135lbs
620 ft. Farmer's Walk, 45lb DB's
160 ft. Waiters Walk, left arm, 45lbs
160 ft. Waiters Walk, right arm, 45lbs
45 minutes and some change... This one got broken up in the middle for 15 minutes with some conversation. The clock was at 28 min. when he walked in and 45 mins. when I started back up. In all fairness about 45 minutes for the work to get done. The clock read 59:57 when I finished the 5th round. I loved every minute of this workout. Back to back grueling workouts and now time for the stretchy pants.
Well, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, or I guess tomorrow. All the Christmas decorations are out everywhere. Not at our house. I'm in no hurry to put up our tree so our son can constantly put his hands on it. Plus I like to let things develop a little bit over the course of the next few weeks. Let Thanksgiving happen first and enjoy the day. Eat, drink, workout, or whatever gets you going. It's the one day a year that you don't have to do anything. We're going to cook, but we're not going to stress about it. What's the point? Enjoy it.
A simple reminder for everyone through the holiday season. Sure gifts are cool and it's always nice to get a new set of rings or lifting bands, but what is all about? The people. Yes the people. I have been truly blessed with a one of a kind family and really awesome friends. And of course the readers of this blog. But chances are most of you fit into one of those two categories. I've been lucky enough to have some of the friends literally my entire life, and a family that is ridiculously supportive and awesome. It's important to let those people know what they mean to you. Sure I use this blog as a buffer because I don't do well face to face with the words. Text, email, phone call, whatever you want. Let 'em know.
A huge shout out to all the readers! Have an awesome Thanksgiving.
Also, a new competition is coming to Bradford, PA. You can find us on facebook here or register here. It's a coed team competition and the proceeds will benefit the ELF Fund in Bradford. Check it out. It's December 2nd at Callahan Park and the deadline to register is November 29th.
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Here's the crew.... |
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I know..back to back posts, but hey, they deserve it. And there's more that aren't pictured for sure... |