Friday, January 20, 2012

Sometimes The Title Is The Hardest Part


Jerk Press
155-165-175-185-195-205-220 PR

Split Snatch
95-105-115-135-145-155 PR

Used the jerk almost as a warm up for the split snatch.  First time with the split snatch, and to be honest I was scared shitless.  It's a snatch but instead of catching it overhead in a squat you can it in a lunge position.  Come to find out I feel much more comfortable with the split.  Very little room plus not much time equals an extremely rushed max WOD.  I had to claim my area as soon as I walked in the weight room.  Kind of like how a dog marks his spot except for the fact that I didn't piss on the squat rack.  That was my squat rack for the next half hour.  Nobody seemed to mind or at least nobody said anything.


Elizabeth (nasty girl)
135 lb Clean
Ring Dips

7:49.....Enjoyed the bloody shins halfway through the first round.  I don't have a workout partner very often, but it's always a good time to workout with my brother.  Finally got to do "Elizabeth" with rings and not regular dips which made a huge difference.


For Time:
Run 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters, 45lbs
30 Pull Ups
Row 1000 Meters

50 Thrusters, 45lbs
30 Pull Ups
Run 600 Meters/Row 400 Meters

50 Thrusters, 45lbs
30 Pull Ups

36:23.... Had a hard time with the rowing machine.  Subbed the run and come to find out running sucks just as much.  I also found out today that mu nose is bigger than I originally thought since I knocked the bar off of it on the thrusters.  Had to keep going though.  Knocked some of those early morning frozen boogers loose.

The Mill:  Late January begins the baseball train for me.  I get all amped up for the season start.  Not that I play anymore.  My body; physical and mental, were programmed during the college days that we start competing for a championship, and it begins in the rubber gym right now.  I guess I haven't been able to shake that feeling/competitiveness.  I still want something that doesn't mind that you fail.  All-Star baseball hitters succeed 3 out of 10 times.  That means that they fail 70% of the time.  I wanted something like baseball that keeps you coming back failure after failure.  It's the failure and mistakes that keep you coming back, and those 3 times that you're successful make all the failures worth it.  The missed rep reminds me of a swing and miss.  That pitcher has to throw 2 more by you, and a missed rep means that you'll land the next one.  Failure is an opportunity to succeed.  So, Crossfit has become my new baseball over the last few years.  It has consumed a mediocre hitter and turned him into a mediocre Crossfitter.  Mediocre just means that there's a lot more room for improvement not that there's a lack of effort.  I've replaced tee work with handstand push ups and muscle ups, long toss with warm up overhead squats, and catcher's gear with homemade shirts and Chuck Taylor's.

Crossfit has helped fuel that competitive fire.  Instead of beating up on some rich kids with warm ups I get to compete against myself, the barbell, the uneven ground, bloody shins, ripped hands, and the thought of just stopping.  Who stops, who quits?  Challenge yourself.   Take it to the max physically and mentally.    It can be difficult to wake up every day and decide that you're going to challenge yourself.  Whether it be in the weight room, classroom, office, kitchen, intellectually or anything else out there.  Embrace the challenge and see it as an opportunity to improve.  Continue to move forward.  

Crossfit has given me an outlet to compete, think freely, and to do something challenging everyday.  Instead of trying to hit a curveball.  

Early start to the baseball season.

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