10 Rounds for time of:
3 Handstand Push Ups
135lb. Deadlift, 6 reps
12 Push Ups
24 Double Unders
27:52….I subbed push ups for pull ups and only used 135lbs. My back still isn’t ready for heavy loading
so the 225lbs. would have probably set me back a few more weeks. It’s the first deadlift that I have done
since the 9-11 Throwdown. Push ups were done so I could do everything in one place since I had to leave the gym to do everything else. It made it more efficient so I was able to get a lot more reps in. *Notice how I didn't use "easier" because they both suck equally.
AMRAP 20 minutes
3 Wall Climbs
10 Up Downs
5 Pass Throughs
10 Grasshoppers
5 Rounds+ 3 Wall Climbs
The demo for this WOD is on the main site and I highly recommend that
you watch it. It is a lot harder than it
looks. My shoulders and core were toast
after this one. I did the Pass Throughs
on the boxes instead of the prescribed WOD.
But that was the only change and it still didn’t change the
movement. Luckily I was in the weight
room alone during this WOD because I can only imagine the “WTF” looks I would
have gotten.
The Mill:
Accountability. What is it? If you don’t touch shin to forearm on the
grasshoppers then it is a missed rep. If
you don’t extend your hips on the pass throughs then it is a missed rep. I made a much more legit effort to redo missed
reps. Which I did, and it sucked. A missed rep is like misspelling your name on the SAT’s. You did it, but
you sucked at it. So try again. If you hold yourself accountable in even the
smallest of priorities like a workout then you will be accountable in the
larger more important issues. As a part
of a family, team, employer, if you are not accountable then you are in return
not only letting yourself down but the “team” as well.
Side note: Have you ever stopped to think about how
dirty those block of wood restroom passes are for high school students? One person goes to the bathroom takes care of
business and doesn’t wash their hands.
Now what? You’re next line to
grab that germ infested should be door stop.
Think about that one. I once had a teacher who used a dead beaver as his hall pass. Needless to say everyone squeezed their cheeks till the next class.
I'm picturing Seinfeld talking to
Ron Washington: "Oh you know how to TAKE the lead. You just don't know how
to HOLD the lead."