Monday, October 24, 2011

Go Out On That Limb...

21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Left-arm DB snatch, 50lb.
Right-arm DB snatch, 50lb.

9:52....had to sub DB for kettlebell snatch.  Fun and can't wait to post again shortly.  I thought this might be a little like "Fran" and it was except for the fact that I sucked this time around.  Since the back injury I have been a little worried to push myself to that next level, but that has to go.  It was evident today that when I hit the first blocker I stopped for a few seconds to gather myself.  Mentally I have to be able to push through that blocker again.  It will come I'm sure of it. 

The Mill:  Yep, I'm back, and I apologize for the hiatus.  Traveling for work has left me with little time to write anything other than what the job, the man,  requires.  Long nights followed by long days followed by long ass drives makes it interesting for workouts and time management.  Since my last post a lot of pretty cool things have happened, and don't you worry I will let you in on all of them.  I've worked out in my brother's neighborhood for the last two months and I must say, I'm not a big hit with the neighbors, and especially the garbage crew.  I parked my car in the same spot they park to pick up the neighborhood trash which I guess is what I was to them at that point.  Same shirt different day.  Not a typo.  When I travel I use the same shirt and shorts for the workout to limit the clothes I bring.  Just air dry them.  If you need any tips on how to smell for weeks at a time let me know.  

The month of October saw a lot of great accomplishments by my 3 brothers.  In order of age, the opening of  No Off Season Training Facility, first Crossfit competition the Fall Brawl Company Company (check it out on facebook too), and a publication in Western Pennsylvania Reflections.  Expanding your comfort zone to new levels lead to great accomplishments.  Also, a couple of more shout outs to JH on beginning his college coaching career, and JC landing a big shirt and tie promotion. Congrats!

Only a couple of months before the little guy gets here.  I have spent my Friday and Saturday nights putting together changing tables, strollers, and pack-n-plays.  I also rekindled my enjoyment for a good Mickey Mouse book and clubhouse show.  That little rat never disappoints. 

I would like to note that while traveling I worked out at a Planet Fitness.  I get what they're trying to do with their "judgment free zone" and anybody can workout here attitude.  But honestly, not everybody can workout there, and their whole purple palace is a judgment zone.  You have to follow this link, Lunk Alarm to know what I'm talking about.  I doing some db thrusters and set the db's on the ground when I finished and the Lunk Alarm sounded.  Judging?  I didn't throw them on the ground, but now I wish I would have dumped the whole rack.  The alarm went off and within seconds someone was scouting out the area for the lunk.  Everyone stopped, looked, and scowled in my direction as if I just ran up and pulled the plug on their treadmill.  Just an interesting experience.  Very nice gyms, like the message*, but the alarm is a little much to handle.

Maximize the Day!

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