Monday, April 9, 2012

Be You


I know it's pretty light in comparison to others, but I'm taking the approach to not get hurt again.  I was laid up for about 2 months in the fall because I used shit form with heavy weight.  Remember, functional movements?  Not very functional if I can't move.

3 Rounds for Time:
165lb. front squat, 5 reps
18 pull ups
225lb. deadlift, 5 reps
18 toes-2-bar
165lb push jerk, 5 reps
18 hand-release push ups

22:11.....I had to kick my ass after a few days of rest.  All the weighted lifts were unbroken, but the body weight lifts were all broken up.

The Mill:  Nutrition from the weekend, or better yet, the lack of nutrition from the weekend was definitely felt in this morning's wod.  I literally ate all weekend, and not nibbles either.  I had peanut butter pie (which was delicious), cheesy potatoes, beer, Dominos, and a ton of other good food. Not to mention Subway for dinner topped off by 4 chocolate chip cookies last night just in case my stretchy pants had a little room left.  I don't know much about nutrition, but what I do know is that my performance over the weekend was sub-par.  Also, the most physical activity I did over the weekend was change a few diapers and clean up spit up.  Lets be honest, I loved it.  I have a made a habit out of cleaning up the food I take in and trying to eliminate some of the shit that doesn't help me function.  But I had to take it all in this weekend.  The entire family was home; three brothers, three sister in-laws, grandma & grandpa, and all the amazing nieces and nephews.  In addition to my wife and son.  That's a total of 17 people hanging out eating peanut butter pie.  That's a lot of dirty dishes (thanks Emily).  Also, one of the newest members of the family is crawling all over the place and swinging a wooden hammer.

Back to the beginning.  The shit food (mind you it was delicious) was definitely noticeable in my workout this morning.  I'm not crazy conscience about what eat, but I'm going to start getting better at it.  Why not, right?  Give your body the fuel it needs to do daily tasks at a high level.  I may sneak a few cookies, beer, or hot dogs though, but I will limit the amount and probably not all at the same time.  So, instead of 4 ginormous cookies maybe I'll start with 2, and keep the peanut butter pie coming.  Well, in moderation I guess.  Once a year is good. And on vacation anything goes.     

I had that whole bottom row this weekend.

A huge shout out to the family and especially all the cool sister in-laws and kids...

Also, I have to give a shout out to Mike Montecalvo for his recent text in quoting Edge in his Hall of Fame speech,"Decide what you want to be, and go be it."   Mike I'll get back to this in my next blog...possibly title material...feel free to share it on your facebook page or comment below.

Kinda creepy Mike

Be you and be awesome at it

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