Monday, February 4, 2013

Don't Hold Anything Back

The Mill:  The calendar has changed over to February.  That internal clock has opened up a can of whoop ass from Captain Insano's playbook.  My body has been programmed for year's that the winter months are when championships are won.  Practicing inside a poorly lit gym, with room for one regulation size base path, batting cages crammed up against a wall, and barely any room for a catcher to squat behind a hitter could not stop you from getting better.  You must.  There's no excuse.  Everyday, I would put on the sweat stained catchers gear jacked up for another mentally and physically tough  day at the park (gym).  If we didn't work to get better then why did we do it.  Sure it was fun, but I'm sure losing would have sucked.  Putting in the effort and grinding everything out was the only way we knew how to get better.  I'll be the first to tell you I wasn't that good, but I tricked people in to thinking I was because no one was going to out work me.  Bloody knees and bruised arms were all a part of getting better, of improving.  There was no other option.  Now it's bloody shins and bruised shoulders.  Improving doesn't stop because you stopped playing.  It's a life long process.  Self-motivation.  If you don't have it, find it, if you don't know where to look, ask for it, and if you don't have anyone to ask, well good luck.  Nah, I'm just playing.  We're all here to help.  Self-motivation is what keeps you going when nothing else will.  What gets inside you?  What gets your fuel pumping?  

As a coach it's important to find what triggers each player.  Find their passion and switch it on.  They will fuel off of your enthusiasm.  Also, as a coach it is important to know what is important and maintain balance between home and the field.  Early blog shout out to my awesome wife!   

My mom, who's a saint, told me the other night "never hold anything back".  I thought about this for while outside of the context in what we were discussing.  This little 4 word phrase has a lot of merit, right?  In terms of training, you shouldn't max out everyday, but you should give max effort in what you're doing everyday.  You cannot just go through the motions.  You're not improving, you're wasting time.  And wasting time doesn't happen.  Approach each day as a new day to start kicking ass.    

Don't hold anything back in the weight room, at work, and especially in life.  Talk to people.  Call your friends and family.  The people that matter should know.  "Never hold anything back".  In guy speak that's a text about who should get in the hall of fame or the "remember when" texts/calls.  Sometimes life can get busy, slow it down, take a deep breath, and dominate everyday!  

Shoulder press 6-8-10
Db rows
3rds of 
15 Db press  
15 box jumps 

Dynamic box 10x2 @135
Front squat 6-6-8-10
Clean 3x3 @135

Cf AMRAP 15 min
15 kb swings
65 ft oh walk x2
15 sit ups
8 complete rds

Amrap 12 min
Run 400m
5 dl's @225

3x3 front squats 

3 minutes of
3 power cleans
6 push ups
9 squats

Rest a minute and repeat 5 cycles
5 rds +1 rep
5rds +12 reps
4rds +3 reps
4rds +3reps
4rds +1 rep

Check out for some baseball tips.  He writes about some very interesting topics.  Worth a read.  

Baseball is back!!

Post about baseball and Crossfit from last year about this time.