Well, Lent has come and gone (almost) and I feel like I missed it again. I tried, but not hard enough. The premise of Lent is to reflect and improve yourself through the 40 days (except on cheater days....don't get me started). My problem with this is why just 40 days? So I got to thinking about Lent and training and how they could be similar. Stay with me here. Don't you want to be awesome, pleasant, and awesome again everyday? Make it a habit. Not just through the 40 days/nights of Lent, or the 3 months of P90X, or the CF Open, but all the time. Be the best human you can possibly be. Owning your goals in this process will help you reach them. I read a study (I know it surprised me too) from a strength and conditioning coach who had his players post their goals on facebook with a picture of them shirtless. Maybe a bit extreme but he made his players own their goals and hold themselves accountable by making it public. Just because the number of days are up doesn't mean that you stop training or living. So train like it. Training is lifelong process. Think of the tortoise and the hare. Hopefully, you all know the story, but it's important to keep going, keep moving forward, and be awesome. Train consistently.

Slow and steady improvement in your training means that you are working a program that is proven for you. Slow and steady could be a few weeks, months, or years for some people. Just keep moving forward. Any setbacks can be met with a new kick ass attitude. Set backs are all a part of the game. It's one thing to sit at a computer and type it out or watch motivational videos all day long, but until you act you are just wasting your time. Be a doer for more than 40 days or 3 months. Keep in mind that a lot of the training is trial and error, and how you create yourself from day to day is the same. If something doesn't work then change it. Know what makes you tick and go get it.
I had to do some serious hotel training a week ago. They had dumbbells about 6 different elliptical machines lined up in the front with a little Bob Dylan playing. And I couldn't wait to get back to the gym with the bar on my back, and some more Bobby D. I did notice something I said the other day and now I'm kind of embarrassed. I asked someone "what program are you on". Then I asked myself that same question. I'm not anybody's program. I'm doing something that works for me. Crossfit is awesome and I continue to train with it, but I never do 30 snatches/deadlifts/insert Olympic lift here, for time. It's kind of a mix between the big lifts and some gut busters. I dig it, but other people might not.
This is a short list of the training I've done since the last post. Some hotel workouts are listed in this mix.
1000 m row
Pull ups
5 rounds
Run 400 m
15 ohs 95lbs
2/14 - with my awesome wife....happy v-day
2 rds of 14 each
Push ups
Kb swings
Pull ups
Partner does sit ups while other one does work
7 rds of 7 each
115 push press
Pull ups
Happy Easter everyone! Shout out to the Silverbacks where ever you are...
Check out Derek Faucher's blog http://ccnybeavers.blogspot.com/. He has some pretty cool stuff in regards to baseball and all the great game has to offer.
-Train like an animal.
Check out Derek Faucher's blog http://ccnybeavers.blogspot.com/. He has some pretty cool stuff in regards to baseball and all the great game has to offer.
-Train like an animal.
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