225 lb DL
First time using bumper plates. It was awesome. I didn’t feel bad at all dropping the weight from my thigh on the last rep. I did the 15 and 9 sets unbroken which is an improvement for sure. My form began to suck towards the last 3 or so reps, but not too bad. I did this workout at Family Fitness Works in Richmond, IN. This place was great and the owner was awesome to let me work out there. If you’re ever in the area then check it out. Family Fitness Works
5 Rounds for Time:
20 Overhead Walking Lunges, cinder block
20 Dips
20 Stone Jumps
20 Sit ups
20 Stone Thrusters
20 Push ups
There was not a gym close by while we were on vacation so I had some fun creating different workouts. This one was tougher than I thought it would be. I used bricks, oddly shaped cinder blocks, and large stones to complete this WOD.
I used the large stone for box jumps. It was about 24 inches. |
Warm up – 2 mile run
Backyard Bricks
3x10 Back Flies
Upright Rows, Cinder block
One Arm Brick Rows
Cinder Block OH extension
Leg Raises 2x10
Double Unders after each round
I did this in rounds, but was not timed. It was a constant workout with very little Crossfit movements. I moved through each workout without resting which gave it that Crossfit feel. Kind of like a runner’s high, but not really.
10 Rounds for Time of:
10 Jumping Burpees
Cinder Block OH Yard Walk
I did this one the morning after a rain storm so I was lucky enough to get muddy and tear up the rental lawn. I loved this workout because every time I wanted to quit or pause or simply walk away it kept calling me back.
The mud spots are my hands and feet from the burpees. The bar was probably 10 inches high. |
The Mill: This past week I was able to do some “old school” Skaggs Dr. type workouts with bricks, stones, and whatever else I could find laying around this place. It was a lot of fun to simplify the workouts and get crazy with the design of each WOD.
I wanted to quit the “Castle” WOD a little less than half way through. I even thought about cutting the reps down to 10. But then I looked in my trustworthy, beat up, composition notebook to find none other than “20” written next to each exercise. If I couldn’t lie to my notebook how was I going to lie to myself? I couldn’t do it. So 20 reps it was, and it sucked. It was muggy, hot, and almost unbearable to be outside at 8 am. Nonetheless it was crazy fun.
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