Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Move and Move Swiftly

The Mill:  There's something about a straight beat down workout that really lets you know where you stand.  I thought after the Garage Games I would just focus on the strength part of the workout and bag the 88 consecutive thrusters and 30 cleans for time.  I wanted to.  I tried to but for some reason I couldn't stick to it.  I always had to mix in a MetCon at the end of each workout.  Too many main-site WOD's looked too intense to pass up lately.  Adrenaline junkie?  I don't think so, but pretty damn close when it comes to these workouts.  Despite the fact that you may be hurting (not an injury but kind of like a sore arm from pitching) you just want to keep going and finish the workout.  Usually the "suck" from these workouts wear off after a few minutes anyways.

However you do it, treat your body like the machine it is.  Do things.  Do hard things.  Do challenging things. Do anything.  Your body is made to move up, down, run, jump, squat, lift, walk, and move again.  Utilize your body and everything it can do physically and mentally.  The possibilities are endless.  If you had the Batmobile for a day would you just ride it up and down the block while going the speed limit?  No you would test it out, press every button, open it up and go.  Try everything imaginable, right?  Shake it up.  Treat your fitness the same way.  Pretend you're the Batmobile if you need something to get you going.  It's beneficial to shake the bars, weights, or cables for some unconventional workouts or just running hills, moving rocks, throwing bricks, or placing logs back in their natural habitat.  Like Mr. Rogers says, "it's good to be curious and try many things".

Keep thinking, keep moving, and press those buttons.

Side Mill: One more thing. You know really Grinds My Gears are these ads that I've been hearing on the radio on my way home from work about tanning.  She actually said "why go outside in this heat when you can tan indoors....don't sweat outside...don't be pale and pasty, be tan and tasty".  Are you kidding me???  That's right, don't waste your time by going outside and doing something.  Come in here to lay down in our beds to get that nice artificial tan  Just my opinion, but go outside.  Natural sunlight.  Enjoy!

SQT (Seal Qualification Training)
3 Rounds
95lb Ground to Overhead, 10 reps
200 yard shuttle sprint
4:59...nice, quick lunch time WOD

8 Rounds (all done with 50lb DB's)
600 meter run
11 weighted pull ups
11 walking lunges
11 DB thrusters

1:20.45....three miles and 88 thrusters later and I finally finished.  I ended up taking the lid off the trash can in round 5 because I thought Pukie was coming.  This was a flat out beat down workout.  Hero WOD's are always the hardest.  My shirt and Chuck Taylor's were soaked.  Like "ring it out" soaked.  A beat down sucked that bad that I had to say it twice.

95lb Push Press
6:50...did it outside on a beautiful day.  Burpees suck but they'll never fail ya.

12 Rounds
45lb DB hang squat clean, 10 reps
6 handstand push ups
31:07....12 rounds of anything sucks something awful, but being a Hero WOD you want your tank to be on "E" when you're done.

Any questions just some love and share/retweet this post or "like" it on facebook.
Thanks for reading!

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