Thursday, May 24, 2012


The Mill:  The Garage Games are right around the corner, my first competition, and I'm not sold on how it will turn out for me.  Am I training the right way?  Am I prepared to do 3 max effort WOD's in one day?  Ahh the hell with it.  I'm training how I want to train which is simply just following the main site.  I don't have the opportunity to train 3 times a day, but the once a day workout sure is ball busting.  And new t-shirts are always good.  My dad always said, "look good, you'll play good", he was a stickler for having your shirt tucked in on the court/field.  Well, my shirt will be tucked into my gym shorts.  Thanks for that one.

My plan for the week leading up to the Garage Games is to go at the WOD's with low intensity and the right mindset.   (If anyone has any tips about how to train the week leading up to the competition please let me know.)  The goal is to compete the whole day and finish the WODs in the RX'd Division.  And please no cramps.  It's definitely going to be challenging, but what CF WOD isn't, right?  It's supposed to be challenging.

Anyways, I'm crazy excited/nervous/anxious for the Garage Games almost like those big game jitters.  Not quite that feeling, but damn near it.  It will be my first time in a CF Box, Crossfit FBO, and working out with that many people. But I guess I'm excited for the atmosphere and competitiveness that's going to be jammed packed into one crazy Saturday in Erie, PA with what I'm sure are awesome people.

This competition is my way of changing things up.  Shake up the norm and be different.  The 8-5 routine, Monday-Friday (side note I do like my job), doesn't separate me from anybody else.  But to me this competition is about testing my limits, a new environment, meeting new people, the atmosphere, and experiencing it with my family. Sounds like an action packed weekend for sure.

Create your own path and be a pioneer.

The 4 workouts below really kicked my ass and made it hurt, too.

Ring Dips
Ring Pulls

Nothing beats a workout in the park with my awesome wife.

Row 500 meters
135lb Bench Press, 30 reps
Row 1000 meters
135lb Bench Press, 20 reps
Row 2000 meters (yep you read that right)
135lb Bench Press, 10 reps was supposed to be a body weight bench press, but,                             well, that would have taken me longer and I had to get to work.

3 rounds for time
400 meter run
55lb. Dumbbell swing, 21 reps
12 pull ups

11:19....this one always feel like I should do it faster.  Probably took a long enough break to put me over that 11 minute mark.  This one is going to be on repeat after the games.

AMRAP 20 minutes (yep you read that right too)
5 Chest 2 Bar pull ups
5 Ring Dips
15 Squats

23 rounds + 18 reps.....This one needs a name.  Any ideas out there drop a line on facebook, twitter, or the comment section.  Shoot me an email at         

Quick shout out to JH on his pr!

Rise & Grind

    Check this out...  Crossfit for Hope      
To sum it up, there will be a workout done to raise money for this awesome cause.  There are a ton of other participants so if you want to sponsor someone else or just make a straight donation please do.

Look for the Garage Games Experience coming in the next few weeks on the blog.  I'm stoked to write about it.  

There are 3 Rise & Grind Shirts in circulation now with a 4th one on its way.  One is in Alaska and the others are local, but we're spreading the word.  If you're interested in purchasing one let me know at or on facebook or twitter (@smann207).

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