Friday, December 9, 2011

English Class, Anyone?


AMRAP in 20 minutes

400M Run
155lb. DL, 21 reps

4 rounds + 400 meter run

I was excited for this WOD all night.  The intensity was there, but after the second round I couldn't get comfortable with my deadlifts.  Gotta strengthen that lower back a bit more.  More Good Mornings, RDL's, back extensions, and anything you can think.  Fun WOD.  Worked up a good lather this morning.  Fell one round shy of my goal.

The Mill:  A couple of thoughts have been running around in my over sized dome in the last few days.  Enthusiasm and passion is what all my thoughts keep coming back to.  My 7th Grade English teacher wrote a quote on the board during our testing week or something that seemed pointless at the time (and really it still does), but it said "If a job is worth doing then it is worth doing properly".  I don't remember who said this, and I could probably Google it to find out, but I don't want to.  The quote has stayed with me to this day.  What's the point in just "going through the motions".  If we're here, working, playing, lifting, being a dad, we might as well do it right.  It makes no sense to just walk through it and claim that you want to get better without any attempt.    What purpose does that serve?  You have to work at it and want to do it.  Whatever it may be. If you have enthusiasm to do something, to be better, to live your life, then you will undoubtedly have passion.  A lot stems from enthusiasm and passion.  A skill set, a mind set, the driving force behind your day, what it is?  Love the fact that the quote from Mrs. Hansen's blackboard has stuck with me.  Without it I know I never would have trimmed the sidewalks at our house when I was 12 or picked up the twigs in the yard for my first paying job.  Or trying to get my brothers couch through the door at his new apartment (it was quite simple once we were told how to do it), but we tried and tried to do it properly.  I wonder if she got her "quote of the day" from the Wishing Well in the Era.

Have a kick ass weekend!  

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