5 Rounds:
10 burpee box jumps
95lb. Sumo High Pull Deadlift, 10 reps
95lb. Thruster, 10 reps
Rest 1 minute
Ending times for each round; all started a minute later
2:21, 6:19, 10:21, 14:32, 19:15
The running part wasn't posted until the am so I didn't see it in time. Either way it was still tough. Finished this one without shoes. To be honest, it felt great. My feet didn't hurt or "hold" me back the rest of the WOD.
Back Squat
Form is coming along nicely, and so is the soreness.
5 Rounds:
Run 800 M
15 DB Swings, 70lbs.
30 Pull Ups
Misread the WOD. It was supposed to be 30 swings. Still pretty tough, but fun.
Back Squat
Done with JH who's doing a 12 week program. Scary what he might be able to do after the 12 weeks.
Clean and Jerk
135-155-165-175-185-195-210 (PR) 215 as a clean but failed the jerk....get your minds right
12/1 AMRAP 15 Minutes
3 Pull Ups
3 Squats
3 Pull Ups
3 Squats
20 Thrusters, 45lbs.
200 M Run
5 complete rounds
3 Rounds for time:
Row 500 M
21 Burpees
400M Run
All caught up.....for now
The Mill: It's important to keep moving forward. Think about it for a minute. What does that mean? Or what do you want it to mean? The easy way usually never works out for anyone. Be willing to go through the tough shit to get where you want to go. Create your own path. It doesn't have to be straight or flat, but filled with your life experiences on a journey to success. There is no time frame for success; your path at your pace. It's that simple. But it's up to you to move forward. Not move on; but rather move forward. To me those two have completely different meanings. Be observant and recognize new opportunities and ways to improve. Keep making forward strides, but at the same time do not be afraid to fail. Failure is all a part of finding our own path. Without failure it would be hard to learn from your mistakes and life lessons.
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Tell someone about your goals. You may find it easier to stay on track if other people know what you are expecting of yourself. If it's a true goal then you will do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal. Those people will keep you moving forward.
If something happens and you take a few steps back or sideways, so what. Just be willing to take that first step forward. In today's WOD, I struggled on a few thrusters but it was key to adjust my focus to the thruster and not the previous 3 rounds. Even though some reps, workouts, movements may suck stay focused on what you can control in the "now". Remain focused and move forward. And have a shit ton of fun along the way!
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