Tuesday, February 28, 2012



Clean 1 rep, 235 PR
Bench 1 rep, 225
Overhead Squat 1 rep, 200

Well, I haven't benched since my junior year of high school doing the Bigger, Faster, Stronger program.  We did the same four big lifts and everything stemmed from them.  Except we did a towel bench every Monday and regular bench every Friday.  Nonetheless, I don't use benching as a benchmark so it's a little behind everything else.  I was also scared out of my mind to go any heavier without a spotter.

Open WOD 12.1

AMRAP Burpees in 7 minutes

Don't waste your time watching it.  It's the same movement for 7 minutes.  

75 burpees....here's the proof.  And yes I stopped in the middle to get a drink a water.  Who does that?  I don't know what the hell I was thinking at that point.  The set up took me about a half hour to figure out, measure, and get exact.  I didn't enter the open since my video doesn't meet the standards.  The clock has to be showing, judge in the room, and so on and so forth.  That's cool though.  Training for the Festivus Games in August.  Kind of feel like Happy Gilmore training for next year's hockey tryouts.


AMRAP 25 minutes
11 Chest-2-Bar pull ups
2, 315lb Deadlift
10 Handstand push ups

6 complete rounds + 12 reps....I could not muster another deadlift in the last 10 secs.  All the deadlifts were broken sets, handstands and pull ups were split half an half on broken sets.  I pretty pumped after this one.  Shins were bleeding, arms were tired...all in all it a good day.

The Mill:  A little motivational video if you feel so inclined to kick some ass today and need a little boost.  If you're a Rocky nut like me then you'll love it.  If not then you'll probably hate his terrible grammar and South Jersey accent (South Jersey; southpaw).

I received a message on facebook the other day that said in part, "isn't crazy how old we're getting".   Satchel Paige used to say "Age is mind over matter.  If you don't mind then it doesn't matter".  And he pitched successfully in the big leagues well into his fifties.  Age ain't nothing (to paraphrase Rocky).  

Keep moving forward.  Attack the day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012



3 Rounds for Time
7 Burpees
8 Pull Ups
15 Knees-2-Elbows
17 Push Ups (hand release)
29 Squats

15 minutes.....This was our Valentine's Day WOD.  We didn't have a lot of time so we turned into 3 rounds for time instead of an AMRAP.  My wife ran circles around me despite the fact that someone was using the pull up bar she wanted to use.  Each number used represents something like a birthday or anniversary so it wasn't too in depth.  Did a lot of burpees last week.


Crossfit Total
Back Squat - 350
Shoulder Press - 160
Deadlift - 340

Not overly happy about any of them, but I'll take it.  A ton of room for improvement.  Didn't PR on any of them, but I think my back squat is much better in terms of form and depth (there's that word again).


For time
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats

24:47.......  I wanted to finish in less than 25 minutes so that goal was met.  I feel as though I should have done it with a little giddy up.  The sit ups are not 3 inch movement type crunches which for me made them a little better.  The pull ups took just a shade under a decade and the rest of the workout took about 14 minutes.  Gotta get after it.
Not my hands, but might as well be.

Can't remember the date:

8 Rounds for time
10 Burpees
15 Jumping alternating lunges
20 DU's
25yd. shuttle (5x5x5x5x5)
Rest 90 seconds

25:07.....  The shuttle didn't do anything for me.  Three steps and I had to turn around and go back.

The Mill:  Well, we finally got to hit our couples WOD, and it was a burner.    We really can only get one day a week to workout together so we took full advantage this past weekend.  Like I said in a previous post, we decided to celebrate v-day with a workout and not food.  Don't get me wrong I love celebrating events with some good food (eggplant, rigs, meatballs, yeah you get the idea), but everything, all the time?  That's not for us.  One, we don't have the green to back those kind of eating habits, and B, we're already paying for a gym membership (on the cheap) so why not use it.

When I got to the gym this morning I felt rushed, tired, and excited all at the same time.  That apprehension right before you begin the WOD, like "this one is going to hurt a bit", gets me all kinds of excited, usually.  This morning was a little different since I'm a day behind on the main site.  I was doing Angie when the main site WOD was 1 rep max of bench, clean, and OHS.  Needless to say I was amped for the wrong WOD from the get go.  I was there and doing Angie the fastest I could all while thinking about cleaning and OHS's (I don't care for the bench at all).  I guess, in a way, it was good just to show up this morning.  The work was done and the soreness is felt for sure.  As long as I'm there  I might as well be doing something productive and improving.  Better than yesterday!

Get after it!  Open starts tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Celebrate It

Thruster 5x3

Front Squat 185-185-200-210-230

I'll take it.....finally some front squats with good form.  More flexibility and better movements.

Back Squat
Front Squat

The WOD on the main site was front squats 5x3...just did them heavy on Friday so I decided on a combination of the 2.

5 Rounds
40lb DB Split Clean, 15 reps
21 Pull Ups

17:40.... This was the first day that I felt like I could do a MetCon WOD since I've almost knocked this cold right out of me.

The Mill:  Oh Valentine's Day how I loathe you.  My wife and I are trying something different this year and shaking it up a bit.  I won't get into my personal feelings about this one day of love holiday, but I will say that our past v-day's have been awesome but marked by waiting in line to eat, a nice dinner at home(that was prepared by someone else), mailing gifts (we were 3,000 miles apart), and a few others that will go unnoticed.  If you can see the pattern here neither of us have ever cooked on v-day before.  Cooking isn't something we love to do.  We're replacing the food with a Couple's WOD.  I'm crazy pumped for this, and can't wait to put it together.  Leave it to Crossfit to come up with a couple's WOD at Crossfit Intensify.  We'r not going to do this one, but do one together soon.  Trust me I will post it.  Maybe it will be an outside one.  Oh that would be crazy.  Sorry I'll stop rambling.

When was the last time you were excited?  Like can't sleep, big game excited?

Make it happen today!

A special shout out to the Silverbacks, 201, and the Animal Pack on this Valentine's Day.

The brew that grew with the Great Northwest!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reach, People

AMRAP 12 minutes
Box Jumps, 12 reps
95lb. Thruster, 6 reps
6 bar facing burpees

6 complete rounds +18 reps....  My wife and I did this one together, and she kicked my ass.  Although she's into training for a half marathon a little anaerobic exercise won't hurt.  It was a lot fun weaving in and out of everyone at the gym.

AMRAP 15 minutes
135lb Push Press, 7 reps
135lb Overhead Squat, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit ups

5 rounds +2 push presses....  Two AMRAP's in a row?  Felt pretty goo after this one.  Another lunch time workout so it was good to have a cap of 15 minutes.  After the warm up and walk to the gym at lunch I'm already down 20 minutes so this was right up my alley.

5 Rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
185lb deadlift, 21 reps

27:54....Not very fond of the high rep deadlifts.  Took my time with these and made sure not rush the lift and sacrifice form.

The Mill: The last few workouts have been brutal, and by brutal I mean awesome.  Outside of all the deadlifts, the OHS's and push presses it was a lot of fun.  I convinced myself to finish at least 5 rounds in those grueling 15 minutes.  I thought for sure I was going to the bar on the squat, but wobbly arms and all I managed to finish the set.

I've been thinking and reading the last few days (huh oh that's a deadly combination), about various workout programs and why this one is better than that one.  Why you shouldn't do this one and do the other one instead?  It's turning into a big political debate where the only places you see positive articles about the candidate is on his/her own web page.  There's numerous workout styles out there and some are fads that will quickly fade and some are here to stay for a little while.  No worries.  I'm a conventional gym goer and try to fit it into my schedule everyday.  I'm a huge fan of Crossfit, in case you couldn't tell.  I do, however, some "diffuse" days where I'll lift the back and bi's or chest and tri's after a light MetCon workout.  Sometimes I'll run instead or do some push ups in my office (door shut, laying on the ground; what would you think) to shake up the day.  I'll always stretch because that's something I have always sucked at.  Thanks Dad!  I did own a Stretch Armstrong for a little less than 24 hours before his arms, neck, and legs snapped.  I wanted to see what was inside the most flexible man in the world.

Leave the disrespect to the politicians.  Everyone is working out how they see fit, whether it's CrossFit, running, P90X, walking, or anything that involves moving, they are all working towards somewhat of the same goal.  They may take different paths but the ultimate goal is the same.  Make yourself better.  However you want to do that is up to you.  Even a little Billy Blanks never hurt anyone.  Whatever your reason or routine are who really gives a shit?  As long as your working to be healthier and better each day.