Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Need a Little Help Here.....

You'll read about it later, but check out http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wodtalk/wod-talk-magazine-the-crossfit-lifestyle-magazine to support WOD Talk Magazine.

Open 12.5
3 Barbell Thrusters
3 Chest to bar 
6 Barbell Thrusters
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Barbell Thrusters
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
12 Barbell Thrusters
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
13 Barbell Thrusters 

73 Reps...a little over half of what of the leader did to put it into to perspective.  I definitely want to do this one sometime soon.  

Overhead Squat

Probably should have moved up to 180 in the last set, but I wasn't feeling terribly comfortable with it that day.

225lb Deadlift
Handstand Push Ups

7:02.....PR by about a minute and this time the whole thing was legit.  Handstand's felt real good.  Well, as good as they can feel I guess.  Did the first set of DL's unbroken and under a minute for the first time that I can remember.

225lb Back Squat
75 lb. DB Swing (sub for kettle bell swing)

13:23....It was tough to get moving this morning after a long Sunday.  Went at it not worried about the time and just wanted to finish the WOD.  Broke all the sets up and took 8-10 seconds of rest then went back at it.

The Mill:  Check out WOD Talk magazine and what they've done for the Crossfit/Fitness communities.  Chris, the founder and editor of WOD Talk, needs some help from the community to bring his publication to print.  It's a great asset for not only Crossfitters, but other fitness enthusiasts as well.  It outlines WOD tips, motivational techniques, dieting tips, and mental barriers that we all face and have the ability to break.  WOD Talk magazine is crazy reader friendly and contains articles from leaders and members in the community from all over.  Pledging $5 or $25 whatever it is will help bring WOD Talk to print in the future and at your fingertips.  Check out http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wodtalk/wod-talk-magazine-the-crossfit-lifestyle-magazine to support this awesome magazine.

Browse through their website and be sure to read some of the articles.  Here's a link to the October issue which has an article that I submitted, http://www.wodtalk.com/2011/10/01/october-issue-4/ .

Take advantage of each opportunity, and each day is a new opportunity.

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