Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Take That Chance


115 lb. thruster
Pull Ups

5:54....this is kind of a supped up Fran.  I just needed something quick with a lot of movement to shake the previous day's bus trip.  I was stiff and couldn't wait to shake it out with this WOD.  Come to find out this was similar to today's main site WOD so I had to switch it up for today.


225lb. Deadlift
Ring Dips

6:24....Next time I'm going to break 6 minutes I can promise you that.  "Sarah" is a self named hero-wod in honor of a friend who passed away when we were in middle school.  We grew apart, went to different schools, and then reunited for a year or so before the accident.  Sarah was my first friend from pre-school to come to the house to play.  It's a vivid memory.  Anyways, I know it's small, but I wanted to name this workout for Sarah.  As for the workout, I loved it and it may be my new "go to" WOD.  It's the 3rd time in about a year that I've done it, but the first time was without rings.  And the time was the same.

The Mill:  Now that our season is in full swing my schedule is nothing close to any kind of schedule outside of the games we play (and even those change all the time).  My workouts have been pushed back due to late nights and me wanting to be at home when our 3 month old son wakes up in the morning.  Then I have a chance to see him smile and poop in the morning.  So lately that has left the lunch hour rush workout.  Let me tell you about the "lunch hour lift".

A. It has to be quick.  It takes about 5 minutes to walk to the gym, 5 minutes to change(high side), 5-10 minutes to stretch which then leaves me about 20 minutes to workout.
2. It's packed.  Literally shoulder to shoulder with a lot of people just standing around.  Despite the the large amounts of people I have whittled away a little corner where I can get mostly everything done.
C.  I sweat for the duration of the day in my good old shirt and tie.  Even if I have time to shower I still sweat since I never had any time to stop sweating.  So, needless to say, I don't shower on the lunch break anymore.
4.  The "too many people" is a great thing though.  And now that the weather is breaking and the sun is shining more and more people will be hitting the gym.  Which means that I'm probably going to move to the outdoors for a little while.

My 5 year old nephew wore a Captain America t-shirt to our game this past weekend, and I was thoroughly impressed.  More like I screamed, AWESOME!!!!  He knows what's up in superhero land.  Now I know that I'm not the only one who appreciates the effort and accolades of Captain America.  Sadly, he's still an underplayed superhero.  How many recent Superman or Batman movies are there?

3/20 WOD Shirt

On a side note....challenge yourself.  Read something different or don't rely on spell check to fix your mistakes.  Another thing about the "lunch hour lift" is that I have the unique opportunity to receive the grumblings from older gentlemen about the lost art of communication and "those damn cell phones".  Which was a hot topic yesterday (I won't even get into the locker room scene).  So, prove them wrong and start small.  Memorize something today.  Try a phone number or a definition.  I'm only 26, but I remember carrying a yellow sheet of paper with all of my friend's phone numbers on it, and I still know most of the numbers.

Here's a shout out to all the readers....I know not many, but enough and I greatly appreciate it.  

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