Friday, May 20, 2011

Cindy that bitch!

The Hammer:   Cindy is every nasty word that you have ever called your high school ex-girlfriend and more.  Cindy is a CF wod that is listed as a beginner workout, but it is a bitch any time you do it. 
Skipped the main site WOD today 
As Many Rounds As Possible

AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 pull ups
10push ups
15 squats

21 total complete rounds

New PR! Previous was 19 rounds.

I'm not going to try to take credit for this one.  I just found it on an affiliates site,

The Mill:  I tried to video this for some practice in that department, but I had it set up at junk level for the pull ups.  So if I can figure out how to edit that part then I'll put a few rounds on here.  Trust me you don't want to see that shit.  I'll try a different angle next time.

On a side note I thought Giambi was back on steroids again after the 3 bombs he hit last night for the Rockies.  The next Matt Stairs????  Maybe the Great Giambino will finish his career as that guy.  Needless to say he's done after this season anyways.  His goatee is gray for crying out loud.

The Buccos keep trying to change what appears to be a tradition of losing.  They beat the division leading Reds 5-3, a day game, which I watched at work.  They seem like the Cleveland Indians from the movie Major League.  And no, not the bitch team from the 2nd or 3rd movie, but the team that was led by the great hung over Jake Taylor

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