Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Hammer:  Typically a main site Crossfit guy, I felt like changing it up a bit with the next 3 days, kind of.  So today I went with some heavy back squats and more leg work.  I went heavy, and by heavy I don't mean 6 bills I'm talking around 3 hundo.  

Warm up:
Dynamic Stretching
135 lb BS for 10 reps
Back Squat (each one set)
8@225 lbs
-short break in between these sets; just rested bar for a few seconds

Over Head Squat
3x5 @ 135lbs

Squat Clean
3x3 @135lbs

45lb plate over head 20 step walking lunges

The Mill :  "Shooting the shit"
Today was an interesting day in the weight room for the sole reason that got my actual work in after closing.  I usually go in the morning to avoid the big crowds while doing Fran or any other Crossfit wod.  This avoids me taking up a few machines while other people waiting to get in on the squat rack. 

Definition of "Shooting the shit" - 1. strategically conversing with someone about real important shit... 2. when douche bags hang around equipment they use every ten minutes. 

I did this today with a good friend of mine, we'll call him Mick, in between sets.  But rest assured that it was the first definition we utilized.  He lifted some pretty heavy chest, too.  Mick is an animal in the weight room and is one the guinea pigs for our outdoor experiment. 

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