Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Guts and Nuts

The Hammer:  Back it at since Monday I couldn't find enough time to even wipe my ass let alone a workout.  I felt like going heavy, but for sets/reps of some sort.  So, again I put the CF main site WOD on the back burner.  I felt like slinging some steel with the deadlifts.  Ya know bleed a little and plus I needed a pick me up. I saw my buddy DL a cool 380 for a new PR.  I wasn't about to break any records, but this shit sure is fun.

Warm up:
Stretch, jog and whatnot
10x 135lb DL
8x225lb DL

5 sets of 3 reps/Deadlifts
Set 1 - 275
Set 2 - 275
Set 3 - 285
Set 4 - 305
Set 5 - 315
Then a bonus set with 225.
Those crazy deadlifts just dragging across my shins. 

5 Rounds for time of:
250 meter row
25 push ups

Cool down:
10 Fireman Burpees
20 Pull ups

The Mill:  This question was brought up to me by my brother.  "What does the C stand for on the Cubs hat?"  I instantly thought, wow what a great question.  The Chicago Cubs are one of America's oldest teams and yet have the longest drought without a World Series ring.  But back to the original question.  The C.  Well I tried to picture their logo as best I could, and my original answer was Chicago, then it changed to just the Cubs, and then I decided that it definitely stands for both Chicago and Cubs.  Confusing shit, I know.  Then I "googled" it and found the image of the large C with 'ubs' inside it. 
Then I was disappointed that I was completely off base with this one and should I should have known that for sure.  But why can't the C stand for both Chicago and Cubs.  That's what I'm sticking with even though I was proven wrong.  I like that it has more than one meaning.  Maybe the C could even stand for contenders.  Wait a minute, contenders, really??  No I'm just playing.  Possibly, chokers or, well that's enough for the poor Cubbies.  Since the franchise hasn't won since 1918 we'll leave it be.    
Get after it!

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