Friday, March 30, 2012

Body weight, body weight, body weight


25 Burpees (buy in)
Run 400 meters w/ 20lb Med Ball
25 weighted pull ups, 20lb DB
400 meter run w/ 20lb. Med Ball
25 handstand push ups
400 meter run w/ 20lb. Med Ball
25 chest to bar pull ups
400 meter run w/ 20lb. Med Ball
25 Burpees (cash out)

26:12....I went in to the weight room with the mindset to just do some dynamic stretching and a light/low intensity WOD.  What I saw next triggered me to change my workout and do the hero wod.  My mindset went from relaxed to intense and I'm glad I saw what I saw because this workout was crazy fun.  What i saw was the workout itself.  So my rest day was moved.  The run was done on a treadmill with the ball changing positions quite frequently.  I got some looks from the other people in the weight room.  Like, who's this crazy dude bouncing around?  Then the handstand push ups really get me going since they were my horse turd about 6 months ago.  Now I've moved onto shining up the double unders.  I think a few people left because they were annoyed with what I was doing.  How are those smith machine half squats treating you?  Not that I have a problem with any style of lifting, but don't be giving me the crazy eyes from over your neck pad while adjusting your lifting gloves.

Row 2k
8:05..... I felt like I was stuck and just not moving fast.  It was a good sweat though.


5 Rounds for time of:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
    3 minute rest after each round
2:21, 3:34, 4:34, 2:35, 4:22 (total 29:18...I think)
Ok let me explain the crazy difference in times.  My sit ups were all legit in every round but 1 and 4, between rounds 2 and 3 I felt like I was going to puke (did a little but not enough to run to the can).  My gut was hurting like crazy (rhbado?, nah).  I think a lot of the reason was because I was doing butterfly pull ups then moving right into the sit ups.  I do need to learn kipping or get better at strict before the Festivus Games in August. Managed 20 consecutive pull ups in the first 2 rounds. Anyways, this was a good one to get the morning rolling.

The Mill:    Working out on a college campus is pretty interesting to say the least.  I see a lot of different workout styles, techniques, cutoffs, and colorful attire.  So, me and my Captain America t-shirt's fit right in.  

There are a few things that I want to write, but to avoid any trouble I shouldn't write.  Remember to smile, pick those shoulders up, and when someone asks you how you're feeling tell them "awesome".  See what kind of response you get.  And maximize the day!  Don't be afraid to leave a comment, feedback, a question or anything else you can think o.  I'll respond as soon as I can.

This is our little man working on the army crawl.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Need a Little Help Here.....

You'll read about it later, but check out to support WOD Talk Magazine.

Open 12.5
3 Barbell Thrusters
3 Chest to bar 
6 Barbell Thrusters
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Barbell Thrusters
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
12 Barbell Thrusters
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
13 Barbell Thrusters 

73 Reps...a little over half of what of the leader did to put it into to perspective.  I definitely want to do this one sometime soon.  

Overhead Squat

Probably should have moved up to 180 in the last set, but I wasn't feeling terribly comfortable with it that day.

225lb Deadlift
Handstand Push Ups

7:02.....PR by about a minute and this time the whole thing was legit.  Handstand's felt real good.  Well, as good as they can feel I guess.  Did the first set of DL's unbroken and under a minute for the first time that I can remember.

225lb Back Squat
75 lb. DB Swing (sub for kettle bell swing)

13:23....It was tough to get moving this morning after a long Sunday.  Went at it not worried about the time and just wanted to finish the WOD.  Broke all the sets up and took 8-10 seconds of rest then went back at it.

The Mill:  Check out WOD Talk magazine and what they've done for the Crossfit/Fitness communities.  Chris, the founder and editor of WOD Talk, needs some help from the community to bring his publication to print.  It's a great asset for not only Crossfitters, but other fitness enthusiasts as well.  It outlines WOD tips, motivational techniques, dieting tips, and mental barriers that we all face and have the ability to break.  WOD Talk magazine is crazy reader friendly and contains articles from leaders and members in the community from all over.  Pledging $5 or $25 whatever it is will help bring WOD Talk to print in the future and at your fingertips.  Check out to support this awesome magazine.

Browse through their website and be sure to read some of the articles.  Here's a link to the October issue which has an article that I submitted, .

Take advantage of each opportunity, and each day is a new opportunity.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Take That Chance


115 lb. thruster
Pull Ups

5:54....this is kind of a supped up Fran.  I just needed something quick with a lot of movement to shake the previous day's bus trip.  I was stiff and couldn't wait to shake it out with this WOD.  Come to find out this was similar to today's main site WOD so I had to switch it up for today.


225lb. Deadlift
Ring Dips

6:24....Next time I'm going to break 6 minutes I can promise you that.  "Sarah" is a self named hero-wod in honor of a friend who passed away when we were in middle school.  We grew apart, went to different schools, and then reunited for a year or so before the accident.  Sarah was my first friend from pre-school to come to the house to play.  It's a vivid memory.  Anyways, I know it's small, but I wanted to name this workout for Sarah.  As for the workout, I loved it and it may be my new "go to" WOD.  It's the 3rd time in about a year that I've done it, but the first time was without rings.  And the time was the same.

The Mill:  Now that our season is in full swing my schedule is nothing close to any kind of schedule outside of the games we play (and even those change all the time).  My workouts have been pushed back due to late nights and me wanting to be at home when our 3 month old son wakes up in the morning.  Then I have a chance to see him smile and poop in the morning.  So lately that has left the lunch hour rush workout.  Let me tell you about the "lunch hour lift".

A. It has to be quick.  It takes about 5 minutes to walk to the gym, 5 minutes to change(high side), 5-10 minutes to stretch which then leaves me about 20 minutes to workout.
2. It's packed.  Literally shoulder to shoulder with a lot of people just standing around.  Despite the the large amounts of people I have whittled away a little corner where I can get mostly everything done.
C.  I sweat for the duration of the day in my good old shirt and tie.  Even if I have time to shower I still sweat since I never had any time to stop sweating.  So, needless to say, I don't shower on the lunch break anymore.
4.  The "too many people" is a great thing though.  And now that the weather is breaking and the sun is shining more and more people will be hitting the gym.  Which means that I'm probably going to move to the outdoors for a little while.

My 5 year old nephew wore a Captain America t-shirt to our game this past weekend, and I was thoroughly impressed.  More like I screamed, AWESOME!!!!  He knows what's up in superhero land.  Now I know that I'm not the only one who appreciates the effort and accolades of Captain America.  Sadly, he's still an underplayed superhero.  How many recent Superman or Batman movies are there?

3/20 WOD Shirt

On a side note....challenge yourself.  Read something different or don't rely on spell check to fix your mistakes.  Another thing about the "lunch hour lift" is that I have the unique opportunity to receive the grumblings from older gentlemen about the lost art of communication and "those damn cell phones".  Which was a hot topic yesterday (I won't even get into the locker room scene).  So, prove them wrong and start small.  Memorize something today.  Try a phone number or a definition.  I'm only 26, but I remember carrying a yellow sheet of paper with all of my friend's phone numbers on it, and I still know most of the numbers.

Here's a shout out to all the readers....I know not many, but enough and I greatly appreciate it.  

Monday, March 12, 2012



25 HSPU's
50 Toes 2 Bar
Run 800 Meters
75 lb Push Press, 75 Reps
150 DU's


Back Squat

This was the morning after a 6 hour flight and some driving on the west coast.  My body did not respond right away.

AMRAP 10 Minutes
185lb. Clean & Jerk, 2 reps
5 Butterfly Pull Ups (sub for rope climb)
   6 Rounds

4 Rounds for time
27 Box Jumps
20 Burpees
11 Squat Cleans, 145 lbs.

5 Rounds for time
7 Squat clean thrusters, 35lb DB
10 Pull ups

The last 3 days have been filled with cleans, jerks, squats, and all of that put together.  

Parking Lot WOD - not timed
Ring Dips
Sit Ups


Deadlift 5x3 @ 225lbs
Push Press 5x3 @ 135

Just wanted to get a little sweat in the AM....Rise and grind.  

3/12 - Back on the east coast

Open WOD 12.3
AMRAP 18 minutes
15 Box Jumps, 24 in.
12 Push Press, 115lbs
9 T-2-B

6 rounds + 13 box jumps....229 reps....I'll take it despite the fact that the video stopped after 10 minutes.  You'll have to trust me via the honor system with this one.  I might tackle this one again sometime soon.  I'll be sure to keep you posted.  

*The correct form is hip and knee extension so I apologize ahead of time for some of the movements.  

The Mill:  Well I'm back from the sunny southwest and Arizona baseball.  All in all it was a good trip.  Missed my wife and son like crazy, but outside of that we played pretty well.  I spent each morning at Fitness Forum in Chandler, AZ getting each WOD in.  The people were crazy friendly, and very welcoming.  Everyone that I passed knew that I was an out-of-towner and they all asked where-what-and why.  However, there was one grumpy old man who didn't like anybody and voiced his opinion on the matter.  He knew he was miserable, but that's how he wanted to be.  "Those damn east coasters" was said a few times in the weight room. They had everything I needed to get each WOD done and done quickly.  I spent quite a few days there last year as well and saw the same older crew working out this year.  They didn't remember me nor did I expect them too.  Great gym to use for the week plus it was free.  Can't beat that with a stick.

Back to normal after a week away.  Bye-bye to fast food.  That isn't a Crossfit thing, it's a "I hate that shit" thing.  I walked into an Arby's (I can usually find something to fit the bill), and I almost threw up at the sight of all the nasty shit around the food and counters.  Not to worry, that quickly passed and I stomached 2 sandwiches after a day without eating. And they both had bacon on it.  Love me some bacon.

Good ol' Beggin Strips!

Go get what you want.....