The Mill: Bare with me on this post. The trick is waking up and realizing that today could be that day. The day that you have a profound impact on someone else's life if only for a moment and help change the world. Well, this past weekend, The Chiller was held at Callahan Park. A little background for ya on this one, The Chiller was a Crossfit type competition with a twist. See I don't have traditional equipment. I own tires. Period. That's it. We borrowed everything else like the kettlebells, fire hoses, kegs, wheelbarrow partner walks (not mine)and pretty much anything else that was involved. And we didn't even bring our tires down for this one. Anyways, The Chiller consisted of 3 workouts in the cold rain. These weren't standing overhead press type workouts either. The competitors (God bless 'em) did keg facing burpees, sit ups, carried fire hoses (wet and muddy), and a bunch of other unconventional workouts that put them face to face with the mud. I loved it. Not so sure they did.
This group of competitors were determined to finish each workout and each rep that thrown their way. Again the community of Crossfit and all the competitors amazed us. People showed up in shit weather to raise money for children in need. When we scheduled this competition we were hoping for a light dusting of snow to "chill" it down a bit and give it that winter touch. The rain never stopped. Literally, never stopped. From the time we started setting up to the time I walked into my house it just flat out poured. Regardless of the weather, and the conditions, the competitors dominated each event. To the nuts and bolts of it now. The competition benefited the ELF Fund of Bradford, PA. The ELF Fund is an organization that provides children and senior citizens in Bradford a gift during the holidays. Most of us have something to open, something to hold, someone to thank, and something to be thankful for during the holidays. Not that a gift is the most important thing by any stretch, but it's the idea behind it. I have always been fortunate enough around the holidays, yes even the year of the Shadow action figure circa 1994, to have those feelings. Thanks to all involved in The Chiller children in the Bradford area will be able to share those same sentiments.
The bad ass, kick ass, and awesome competitors in The Chiller woke up on December 2nd and decided that they were going to make a profound impact on people that day. It was quite remarkable to see everyone show up and battle the elements on Sunday. FYI, the volunteers were awesome.
The squad....awesome. Period.
Our competitions are designed to test a little bit of everything using nontraditional "weights". We want you to experience the blue collar of it all and shake the weight room for a day. Pack your lunch and go to work. When I get to that point of feeling spoiled by the weight room I usually go throw some tires around and bang them with a sledgehammer. Just sayin'. It's good to get out in the elements and do some different things and that's just what we like to offer. Everyone at these competitions has deadlifted, but how many of them have a carried a fire hose or put a tire around their neck? I'll give you the answer for that one, maybe 3. Everyone gets the chance to compete and put their skills on the line. Not everyone is a games athlete. I'm the furthest thing from it which is why I love these types of competitions. A lot of people stepped out of their comfort zones for this one we loved every minute of it. Brent, Sarah, Shane, and Whitney are beginners to this whole competition thing and for some it was a lot different than working on the bench. A s/o to all of them and a big one to all the volunteers as all EJ, AD, and Montecalvo (I know he wants his name in here).
This is a simple reminder that with the bad daily news that is seen on our tv's, phones, and all over the media, that people still do kick ass. The good always outweighs the bad any day of the week. One way that we like to portray the good is by having people compete and train in this kind of environment. There is a method to our madness. And just so you know we did these workouts too. It was snowing and crazy early in the morning, but they were done nonetheless. From the competitors to the volunteers they all showed the good no matter how small the scale was on Sunday. Good exists, and it exists right in our backyard. Do it. Live it. And kick ass everyday.
Just a little something on a side note to college students feeling stressed during finals week. Hit up the weight room. It's never crowded during finals week and it helps not only clear your head, but it keeps you physically and mentally strong for those dreaded tests. Here's a hint though if you're thinking about heading over to the gym; use the squat racks, barbells, and dumbbells. You'll be all set and feel like dominating those tests....after you dominate your workouts. That's my opinion on the matter. Oh, one more thing, no machines during finals week either.
Hammer Mill Workouts
The importance of intensity and consistency in the weight cannot be stressed enough. Ran in a little problem last week when I got all crazy with the deadlift and one quick movement later I could barely stand straight up. Just one of those times when I got too excited and my form went to shit and my back was shot.
This past week I loaded up on dynamic effort lifts and the butcher. In my opinion and Elitfts opinion the butcher/prowler is the single greatest tool any athlete can use. I bear crawled, pushed, pulled, sprinted, loaded it up, used light weight, and just about anything else this week. It helped heal my back and kept me moving.
20 Minutes of
Butcher push, 60ft
Butcher bear crawl, 60 ft.
10 pull ups
Don't know the rounds....I just kept moving
Day 1
Dynamic Effort Bench Press 3x9 @135
Day 2
Dynamic Effort Box Squat 2x10 @185
Dynamic Effort Front Box Squat 2x10 @155
Dynamic Effort Back Squat 2x10 @155
Day 3
Dynamic Effort Shoulder Press 3x9 @75
Bands with the shoulder press
Oh the lone friend in the morning
S/o to CORE this morning
You can expect some more pictures too because my awesome, beautiful wife bought me one of those things to take pictures with in the weight room. One more thing, embrace differences instead of hiding from them.
S/o to Jake and Nicole on their new addition Levi!
The Mill: Try to read from top to bottom on this one.
Training has been really awesome lately following CORE with a
hybrid of some Crossfit. We've been focusing on sumo-deadlifts and
front squats this cycle, and I have to tell you that my hammys are
getting worked. I had the recent opportunity to travel for work and
train with my brother at CORE doing some speed front squats. Surprise, surprise I'm wearing gray. The workout was a little front squat (video) and some heavy sumo's. Again, fried hammys. Sounds like bacon, huh. Trust me not as good.
Doing the push press, kettlebell, ring push up combo was that gut-busting workout I've been waiting for the last week or so. It was a different environment last night compared to the early morning workouts. There were actually people in there last night. I almost ran for cover when I saw them walking around the weight room. It's been so long since I've seen anyone in the gym not just on the elliptical. It was refreshing, and in a way, the kick start that I needed for the workout. A little background first to let you know that I usually, most always workout in the morning or on my lunch break. My wife and I alternate mornings to workout so the lunch quickie has been a part of my repertoire lately. I've found it very difficult to wait until I'm done with work to finally go to the gym. Crazy? Probably. Do I care? Not really. I was excited all day for this workout, like almost border line obsessed. Do you remember how you were on Christmas Eve when you were little? Can't sleep, can't eat, just pure excitement. When's Santa coming? Are the reindeer outside? Did I hear hear something on the roof? How's he going to get in if we don't have a chimney? That's how I felt yesterday at work. All I wanted was to go over there for 12 minutes and see how many rounds I could get. How much was it going to suck? Can I do it all unbroken? (no) Different questions were running through my head.
Well, I had to settle for the 5pm shift. And to my surprise, really wasn't that bad. But it wasn't too crowded because all the students went home for break. I think a workout partner is in order at least a few times per week. As for the workout itself, well, it tested a lot that's for sure. But big part of the weight room is trying to push through your normal limits and see how much you can handle. This one did just that. My arms were done, my forearms were fried, my hands turned into the claw, and my I almost fell backwards during the last set of kb swings. Yeah, I was that guy. It sure felt good to beat the hell out of myself last night. A nice little reality check for the weight room. Keeps you humble that's for sure.
For time: 15,12,9 Bar Facing Burpee Box Jump 50# KB Swing
5:57...this was a nice little gut buster and quick hitter. 11/20 AMRAP in 12 minutes 5 Push Press, 135lbs 10 Kettlebell Swings, 70lbs 15 Ring Push Ups 5 rounds + 1 push press....this one was brutal
11/21 Five rounds for time Weston - Hero WOD revised Butcher Push 400ft, 135lbs 620 ft. Farmer's Walk, 45lb DB's 160 ft. Waiters Walk, left arm, 45lbs 160 ft. Waiters Walk, right arm, 45lbs
45 minutes and some change... This one got broken up in the middle for 15 minutes with some conversation. The clock was at 28 min. when he walked in and 45 mins. when I started back up. In all fairness about 45 minutes for the work to get done. The clock read 59:57 when I finished the 5th round. I loved every minute of this workout. Back to back grueling workouts and now time for the stretchy pants. Well, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, or I guess tomorrow. All the Christmas decorations are out everywhere. Not at our house. I'm in no hurry to put up our tree so our son can constantly put his hands on it. Plus I like to let things develop a little bit over the course of the next few weeks. Let Thanksgiving happen first and enjoy the day. Eat, drink, workout, or whatever gets you going. It's the one day a year that you don't have to do anything. We're going to cook, but we're not going to stress about it. What's the point? Enjoy it. A simple reminder for everyone through the holiday season. Sure gifts are cool and it's always nice to get a new set of rings or lifting bands, but what is all about? The people. Yes the people. I have been truly blessed with a one of a kind family and really awesome friends. And of course the readers of this blog. But chances are most of you fit into one of those two categories. I've been lucky enough to have some of the friends literally my entire life, and a family that is ridiculously supportive and awesome. It's important to let those people know what they mean to you. Sure I use this blog as a buffer because I don't do well face to face with the words. Text, email, phone call, whatever you want. Let 'em know. A huge shout out to all the readers! Have an awesome Thanksgiving. Also, a new competition is coming to Bradford, PA. You can find us on facebook here or register here. It's a coed team competition and the proceeds will benefit the ELF Fund in Bradford. Check it out. It's December 2nd at Callahan Park and the deadline to register is November 29th.
Here's the crew....
I know..back to back posts, but hey, they deserve it. And there's more that aren't pictured for sure...
The Mill: Well, I'm going to try to knock off some rust here so stay with me this might take a while. It's been a while since the last post, but that doesn't mean the Hammer Mill stopped or that I stopped for that matter. A lot has happened in politics, weather, a wedding, World Series, and on talk radio over the past two months. I have spent the last 2 months on the road for work which meant late nights, eating garbage (mostly coookies and pizza for some reason), and basically just unhealthy living but only past 8:00 pm. In that time I visited many different gyms in Pittsburgh, State College, and wherever else my rental landed me. By the way I love rental cars for obvious reasons. I would like to thank Victory Sports Performance for welcoming me in while I stayed in State College, PA. In those two months I stepped out of just training with Crossfit and into Core Athletics programming style. It's something that I've tried to do in the past an it's worked out great. Core is an all around training method for sport and life. I was hesitant at first to switch from following Crossfit's main site, but I'm glad I did. I needed a change. The big 5 haven't moved anywhere in about a year. Now before you get all up in arms about the numbers remember that improving each day is vital, and the big 5 really didn't improve much. In September 2011 I pr'd my dead lift at 375 with JH, and I couldn't even come close to that over the last year. That day I pr'd in something else like 5 rep max but I can't really remember. The only lift to increase was my clean. I get super pumped on cleaning days. Cleaning not to be confused with house cleaning, those days I dread. Power cleaning is like Christmas in the weight room. You dream about it the night before and sometimes you get too excited to sleep only to wake up and have the real deal waiting for you. Something that was the same, yet different, in September '11 and now is that I had a workout partner, and the training program was strength and conditioning. Not just conditioning. I thought that I was "over" conditioned and throughout this past year I could fly through workouts and crush previous times, but I wasn't getting stronger. Strength takes longer to get back than conditioning does, and I know how conditioned I want to be. Anyways, the common denominator's are workout partner and program. I have been following the Crossfit main site for the last three years, but also implemented my own strength component, so for the CF following out there I still enjoy it for sure. Just needed something else. It's no secret that if you want to increase strength and speed you need to dead lift, squat, and press.
Last week I pr'd my dead lift at 385, box squat, bench and shoulder press while performing conditioning workouts as well. For the record, I hate the bench and shoulder press. Someone back in high school told me that benching was bad for baseball players so I didn't do it for the last 7 years. So, my bench just surpassed my junior year mark. That was in 2002. But, training is a life long endeavor and not an overnight fix. I'll take it. Bench pressing, if done correctly and in moderation, is fine for baseball players. Be an athlete and dominate.
CORE's program tests you physically and mentally throughout the training cycle. I've recently bought a Butcher to do the training at home since it's a staple in the training. And something that I've obviously missed out on. It would take forever to post the last 2 months of workouts, but if you're interested in seeing the workouts just visit CORE's facebook page.
Traveling for the last 2 months allowed me to spend some considerable time with 2 of my 3 brothers (youngest of 4). The third, closest in age, is in T-city spreading his knowledge and making sh@# happen. My 2 oldest brothers live in the same town and work/run/operate/train/change lives at CORE Athletics. I told you that to tell you this, I am now a huge believer in training partners. I think before I just talked myself into that training alone was the best way simply because I train at an hour when no one else is in the gym. Especially on a college campus. Fact - the last 2 days I was the only one in the whole fitness center for about an hour or so. I was able to hit 10 rep pr's, single pr's, and have an overall better atmosphere in the weight room with them as partners. But, those times are over, back to training alone. That doesn't mean that training alone is for the birds. It has it's place, but now I've found a balance. However, testing my limits with a partner will allow me to feel more comfortable testing them without. Challenges in the weight room let us know that we're still kicking. So, I've contradicted myself a little because prior to this post I was a firm believer in training by myself. Now, I guess I'm soliciting for a potential partner. Requirements - No lifting gloves. Period. Don't be that guy. Outside of that all is welcome. My wife is a great lifting partner, but our schedules don't quite jive for the weight room during the week, and JH and BM lift in the afternoon.
Also, I'm preparing a few youth athletes' training programs for the winter and if anyone is interested just shoot me a message. Online strength and conditioning programs and consulting. Email at or leave a message on here.
I'm thinking of another Crossfit style Throwdown sometime after the first of the year. Other items on the docket are basically for you to kick ass everyday in whatever you do. Be the best person/human everyday. Eat right, lift right, live right. Maximize the day! And most importantly enjoy your family/friends!
In case anyone is curious how to donate to the Hurricane victims click on the link below. Our thoughts and prayers.... Red Cross/Hurricane Sandy
The Mill: I'm still fired up from the throwdown. I've never lost faith in my family, friends, the
people I come in contact with on a consistent basis, or anyone for that
matter, but all the recent, devastating news nationally and world-wide
has left me speechless. Where is the human kindness? How come we don't
hear about that as well? I'm an optimist through and through. People
are flat out awesome Here's where the people involved in Extreme Throwdown and the Crossfit
Community helped re-install human kindness, positive motivation, selflessness,
willingness, work ethic, friendliness, and straight up awesomeness. The
sponsors that we received were so gracious in donating products to
benefit such a great cause, CARE for Children. People were/are amazing. Our goal for the competition was raise awareness of CARE and money for their rebuilding process. We also wanted to give people in the region the opportunity to experience a Crossfit type of competition and atmosphere. With all the great people involved I think we accomplished all three of those goals.
We wanted to create a competition that got people out in the elements, away from the gym, and into a blue collar battle. Show up, brown bag it, and go to work. All 25 competitors showed up, brown bag it, and went to work. Machines were non-existent, and outside of kettlebells, traditional weights were too. The competitors made the day with their emotions, determination to finish, and their drive and passion for the entire group. Sure people wanted to win, but everyone sure as hell wanted everyone else to compete and compete hard. That's the community. That's what we wanted to be present at the throwdown. A positive, competitive atmosphere that kicks ass. I loved it. New competitors, new to Crossfit, new to working out, you name it and they were there. My wife competed in her first "Crossfit" competition and loved it, and I hope there were others too who experienced what she did. The competitors, spectators, volunteers demonstrated what is best about the community, camaraderie, and passion in developing people of all abilities.
The Crossfit Community blew me away the last few months. I don't belong to a gym or workout in groups so I know that I'm missing that part of the community. Which is the community. I never fully understood or appreciated the community and all that they could do. It's not just about being healthy. It's about building relationships, helping others succeed, and improving everyday. A lot like life, right? With Crossfit, being healthy fits right in the mix. Human kindness. Is it really that simple? I know Crossfit isn't end all be all, but the community all across the country came together to help support CARE for Children and the competition. They could have just blown us off and said no or not responded at all, but they all responded along with local companies. Witnessing the competitors work so hard throughout the day to finish one more rep, get one more tire flip, stand up on the last lunge, and watching them be willed to the finish line was absolutely amazing. That stems from the community. It opened my eyes to whole new level of Crossfit. It's where sweat, blood, puke, scars, and blisters are welcomed and encouraged. It's an outlet to continue or begin to compete against others and yourself. It's where everyone wants everyone to be successful.
This is one bad ass crew!
Extreme Throwdown 2012 - Bradford, PA
Extreme Throwdown WOD's
#1 - "Wicked"
2 Minutes at each station
Tire Flips
Tire Jumps (box jumps)
Pipe Press (shoulder press)
#2 - "Explosion"
20 OH Walking Lunges with pipe
Tire Course
Farmer's Carry (about 100 yards)
600 Meter Run (estimated prior to comp. at 400m based on time)
Farmer's Carry (about 100 yards)
Tire Course
20 OH Walking Lunges
Final Round - Top 3 Men and Women
5 Rounds - Each round is 90 seconds with a 30 second break in between each round
25 Meter Bear Crawl
25 Meter Kettlebell Carry
Kettlebell Swings (2pood Men, 1pood women) Total score is # of kettlebell swings each round
AMRAP in 15 minutes
10 Kettlebell Swings, 2pood
10 Box Jumps, 36 in.
10 Dips 8 complete rounds + 20 reps. This one felt great. I crawled to clean up after this WOD.
3 rounds for time:
Row 500 Meters
Run 400 Meters 12:12
Shout out to all the competitors, volunteers, spectators, my whole family for helping (yep all 16 of ya), and JK for stopping by. Great time with a great group of people. Keep working hard and make it happen.
Well anybody reading this is probably expecting something/anything about ladies dancing. What no photo? "Ladies dancing" was how we called out 2 outs for the Bradford Forest Products Astros. This past week was a a straight beat down. The main site split up the Games workouts over the course of 3 days which they did in one day. It was a beat down. Humbling for sure. Elizabeth, Isabel, and Fran straight up kicked my ass. As soon as you think you have something conquered or mastered it knocks you down. That's kind of how I felt this past week with all these workouts. I beat one time so 1/3 isn't all that bad. It's like I'm hitting .333 which is pretty good in baseball, it's a shitty free throw percentage in basketball, and in soccer they would probably give you your own country. In these workouts I'll take it. They all seem to be moving in a different direction. All we can do is keep trying to improve. Everyday. Just move to improve (a little Richard Simmons-ish right there). If you feel stuck take a step back, and get ready to conquer life.
Lately, my wife (who's flat out awesome) and I, along with the help of family members, and Shane have been planning an event for Bradford and the surrounding communities (open to all) using a wide variety of fitness levels. Sure, it's a Crossfit style event because that's what I like to do, but it's designed so that anyone can do it. And the cool thing is that all the proceeds benefit CARE for Children. Change it up and help make a difference. This isn't a plug (ok it's a little one) or even a post about our event. Our goal is to promote fitness in the community and have a great time doing it. I think it's something a little different then what is usually offered. Different is good. I promise this a good kind of different. Alright, enough of that so it doesn't turn into white noise and people might still want to compete. Here's a little plug,, register online. Check us out on Facebook.
13:10...Next time I'm going to knock out the deadlifts unbroken. When you stop you're screwed. Just carry the momentum. Rocked the Punisher shirt for the WOD and yes I felt like a bad ass just didn't act like one. No one rocks the Punisher like JH though.
Here's to you Bradford Forest Product Astros....Ladies Dancing!
Another shout out.. This one to Frankie...Happy Birthday from the states! One year...can't believe it
The Mill: Break through the barriers in and out of the gym. The hardest part is knocking down those mental walls that stop you from getting to your potential. It's all about attitude. I know you probably heard that in little league or in the backyard from your parents, but I think it's that simple. A good attitude will allow you to train hard, build/start relationships, and get you on your path to your ultimate human potential. You will begin to dominate all aspects of your life. In the gym, classroom, work, personal, and just about anything else you can think of right now. Think about it for a second. When you have a shitty attitude what happens to you? I know I suck in everything when my attitude sucks. Everything suffers, and the weight room is a great place to test it out. If your questioning your programming then chances are you will not be successful at it. If you dread going to work chances are you will not meet your potential, and so on and so forth. You get the idea. Create the mindset that will allow you to be successful in everything you do. Positive Mindset = Positive Results. This idea stems from something that is on Core Athletics facebook page. Check it out.
We've all had them in college, high school, in my case the after years. For some in college it might have been a new case of beer, hat, girl, look, something/anything that will get them a hit or on base. For me it was changing my chew, socks, pants, breakfast, and always my wristband (aka the Ultimate Slump Buster). I have recently been in need of a kick in the ass or a kick ass slump buster to break out of this funk in the weight room. I change up my shorts, time, and anything else you can imagine. Except a "bad ass bandana". Check. I broke out the slump buster for the deadlift/burpees and lost the shirt in the process. Shirtless is never my style, but I was out of the gym and no one was around so I figured why not. It was only 110 degrees in there. I'm sure I looked like a pansy version of Rambo, but I don't really give a shit what people are thinking (plus I was alone). I have been wearing it only for the WOD and not the strength portion. It's kind of like my switch. Over the top!
For time
70 Burpees
60 Sit Ups
50 DB swings, 55lbs
40 Pull Ups
30 Handstand Push Ups
21:14....Fun? Not really. Ass kicking? Absolutely. The 70 burpees took me about 5 minutes which is 2 minute improvement from the Open Games of "AMRAP burpees in 7 minutes" which I scored 70. I'll take it.
7/6 Tumilson
8 rounds for time
Run 200 meters
11 burpee deadlifts, 60lb DB's
23:13....Another Hero WOD. Just kept moving, and at one point during the run I distinctly remember thinking that I'm pretty damn lucky to be doing this WOD, and being here everyday.
25:09....Stopped to have answer a few questions about the lifts and reasoning. Kept the clock rolling (not that anyone really cares). I changed it from the RX'd version so it would fit into the strength workout of the day. Gut check workout. My grip and hands were tightening up towards the end of the sequence. Gotta improve that gorilla grip.
Flip that switch and get after it.
Shout out to my man Bear and his wife. Awesome news so happy for you guys. Also, JP on his pending nuptials this weekend #tyingtheknot.... The best times are ahead....
Give it a like on facebook share or retweet some love and let people know you read it. Who knows maybe a little something for someone who likes/shares/retweets....worth a shot
The Mill: There's something about a straight beat down workout that really lets you know where you stand. I thought after the Garage Games I would just focus on the strength part of the workout and bag the 88 consecutive thrusters and 30 cleans for time. I wanted to. I tried to but for some reason I couldn't stick to it. I always had to mix in a MetCon at the end of each workout. Too many main-site WOD's looked too intense to pass up lately. Adrenaline junkie? I don't think so, but pretty damn close when it comes to these workouts. Despite the fact that you may be hurting (not an injury but kind of like a sore arm from pitching) you just want to keep going and finish the workout. Usually the "suck" from these workouts wear off after a few minutes anyways.
However you do it, treat your body like the machine it is. Do things. Do hard things. Do challenging things. Do anything. Your body is made to move up, down, run, jump, squat, lift, walk, and move again. Utilize your body and everything it can do physically and mentally. The possibilities are endless. If you had the Batmobile for a day would you just ride it up and down the block while going the speed limit? No you would test it out, press every button, open it up and go. Try everything imaginable, right? Shake it up. Treat your fitness the same way. Pretend you're the Batmobile if you need something to get you going. It's beneficial to shake the bars, weights, or cables for some unconventional workouts or just running hills, moving rocks, throwing bricks, or placing logs back in their natural habitat. Like Mr. Rogers says, "it's good to be curious and try many things".
Keep thinking, keep moving, and press those buttons.
Side Mill: One more thing. You know really Grinds My Gears are these ads that I've been hearing on the radio on my way home from work about tanning. She actually said "why go outside in this heat when you can tan indoors....don't sweat outside...don't be pale and pasty, be tan and tasty". Are you kidding me??? That's right, don't waste your time by going outside and doing something. Come in here to lay down in our beds to get that nice artificial tan Just my opinion, but go outside. Natural sunlight. Enjoy!
6/25 Strange
8 Rounds (all done with 50lb DB's)
600 meter run
11 weighted pull ups
11 walking lunges
11 DB thrusters
1:20.45....three miles and 88 thrusters later and I finally finished. I ended up taking the lid off the trash can in round 5 because I thought Pukie was coming. This was a flat out beat down workout. Hero WOD's are always the hardest. My shirt and Chuck Taylor's were soaked. Like "ring it out" soaked. A beat down sucked that bad that I had to say it twice.
95lb Push Press
6:50...did it outside on a beautiful day. Burpees suck but they'll never fail ya.
6/19 Nick
12 Rounds
45lb DB hang squat clean, 10 reps
6 handstand push ups
31:07....12 rounds of anything sucks something awful, but being a Hero WOD you want your tank to be on "E" when you're done.
Any questions just some love and share/retweet this post or "like" it on facebook.
Thanks for reading!
The Mill: Finished Crossfit for Hope, and finished is the key word, as prescribed. This was a great event for an awesome cause, and thank you to everyone who helped support St. Jude's through sponsoring me. Click on the image to see the full workout and description if you're interested. You can donate to St. Jude's anytime of the year at this link.
Crossfit for Hope score card
We lost a classmate to leukemia in 2002 which is a big reason I wanted to get involved in this fundraiser. It's how I chose to honor Rob some 10+ years later.
There were a couple of newbies in the gym while I was doing this workout. Mind you, it's not a Crossfit box. So, while they are being taken through each machine and told how it works they were probably asking if they could have their money back if this crazy nut goes here. These older women were probably thinking why does he keep humping the ground (burpees), swinging like a monkey, and sweating all over everything? Well, they didn't say that, but you can imagine what it would be like if they did. One of the older women just stopped about 2 feet away from and watched for quite some time, and then she left. I haven't seen them since Monday. The power snatches were a little tougher then I expected. The plates are a lot smaller then bumper plates, and that 3 extra inches is a real ball buster. Again, thank you to all who donated to this great cause and I was honored to have had the opportunity to participate.
My goal is to eventually give this blog some life. Life in what though? I want to people to be able to take something from it whether that be a workout, motivation, and hopefully eventually it turns into good writing. Changing the fitness model is overdone and overused. Take a step back and think about all the successful programs out there like Insanity, P90X, Crossfit, and my personal favorite Richard Simmons. There's a ton more and probably offer the same advice, and definitely more to come. Eat right, look good (not high on my list), and move fast. Sound familiar? If you tell someone that wants to lose weight that they should follow your program then chances are they will follow. Now, I'm a Crossfit wanna-be athlete and I agree with a lot of things that they do, but essentially eat right (except my current chocolate chip addiction) and move heavy things fast. My point is different and not about change. As long as someone is moving, working, and eating right (moderation) then things will get into balance. Fitness doesn't have to be complicated. Being healthy doesn't have to be complicated. Basic, everyday movements, that's it. I do, contrary to popular belief, like to lift heavy things (heavy for me), using those basic movements. This will get you strong if you want it to or if losing weight is your goal then this will do the trick. A half hour run on the treadmill, followed by a case of beer, really defeats the purpose. You would have been better off just drinking rather than being drunk and dehydrated. I've kind of gotten off the path here, but you could have stopped reading a while ago if you wanted. So I don't feel too bad. Increase your heart rate and get creative. My schedule allows for 2 really creative days outside the gym a week. This is absolutely awesome. Park workouts, tire flips, pull ups on the monkey bars, bear crawl up a slide, and anything else you want to do to change up the gym routine. Expensive gym memberships aren't necessary to workout and get after it. I wouldn't belong to a gym if my employer didn't offer it. That stuff is crazy expensive.
I want this blog to give people options. All people (well the people who read it). What is fitness? Crossfit gives fitness a definition, and you can give it your own. That's the beauty of it. Make it your own. Personalize fitness. Here's my definition which is a constant work in progress. Fitness- Sweat. Blood (a little). Exhaust yourself. Sweat, again. Challenging workouts. Conquer failure. Improve everyday. Be enthusiastic. Embrace each day. Moving is fitness. So move swiftly. Live life positive. Keep moving forward. Enjoy your family and friends. Balance.
The Hammer Mill is my outdoor, indoor, anywhere account of what happens while lifting some shit. I love working out outdoors during the summer. The winter months up north can kiss my ass for outdoor WOD's. My brother sees it differently, though, as he works out in his garage all year long. Those walls don't do much for heat in the winter so I spend it in the gym. I welcome anybody to come on down and join us for some tire flipping, sledgehammer fun. Mix up your routine a bit and come on down. Just shoot me an email or comment if you're in the area, .
100 tire flips 100 hammer's 6/13
Be a kick a go-getter
Side note: The other day I was listening to a radio talk show discussing the Michelle Obama's program called Let's Move! In a nutshell she is trying to create something that endorses healthy living for children. Disclaimer: this is not about politics.... These hosts were bashing this program and the importance of creating a healthy lifestyle for our children. WTF????? I could hardly control myself in the car. Being a fairly long road trip and early in the morning, I became irate with these people that I've never met. I didn't pay much attention to the politics behind the whole thing. I just took it at face value and declared these very intelligent radio hosts morons to every car I passed. I'm still pretty upset with the whole situation and how people are finding this program wrong and disturbing. I find those people wrong and disturbing. How can they honestly say that they don't agree with, in essence, treating our children better? Everything in moderation, right? Can't we all just get along?
Celebrating a MOversary today....our little guy turns 6 months old.
Sporting the new Hammer Mill shirts...I think he just did a burpee.
Show some social media love and share it or re-post it on facebook or twitter (new share links on the left)..... I'll post the workouts later on.
The Mill: Some days you get the bear and some days the bear gets you.
Well, the bear was starving.
First of all a big shout out to Crossfit FBO/212 Degrees of Fitness who hosted the The Garage Games, and congrats to all the winners and competitors. This was my first Crossfit competition, well it was my first competition of its kind. To put it nicely, I struggled. To tell the truth, I busted my ass and got my ass kicked. Think of Happy Gilmore at his first PGA tournament, pitching against Albert Pujols, hitting against Justin Verlander or playing one-on-one against LeBron James. Well, that's what this competition was like for me. We sure as hell competed, though. We, as in my brother and I. We elected to compete in the RX division knowing that it was going to be crazy hard. We now know that it was really crazy hard, but we competed the whole way through, and I'll take that any day of the week.
I struggled out of the gate with the handstand push ups (the horse turd). Not making any excuses, but I've never gone all the way to the ground before probably because of some mental thing I had going on. I always stop when I hit a pad about 2 inches off the ground. An extra 2 inches was the deal breaker. I rattled off 2 quick ones, knocked out the the overhead squats, got 2 quick handstands then rattled off about 20 no rep variations of handstands (judges were awesome too). I needed 4 (to keep moving in the workout). I got 3 (in 6 minutes). Need I say more. The experience was awesome. The people were awesome. The athletes were awesome.
As I mentioned in previous posts, I knew I would struggle. Doing 3 workouts in a day was brutally awesome. The deadlifts were painfully successful, and the last WOD I was spent. The deadlifts left my leg a bloody mess, but I enjoyed every rep. The no rep after no rep of handstands really wore on me. Nah, I'm just playing. But tired, I was. Nevertheless finishing the last WOD under the cap became unrealistic, and finishing each rep was the new goal. That should have been my mindset from the beginning instead of taking it as a whole and thinking ahead. My mistakes were evident and my weaknesses were glaring You definitely see a difference in being coached and coaching yourself. From technique to rhythm of each WOD the coaching tips were prominent. The benefits of a coach and a gym for sure.
With all that said the competition was a great experience. It left me wanting more, pushing harder, and making new goals. The atmosphere of a Crossfit FBO was incredible. After working out by myself for as long as I can remember, and having people watching, cheering, and helping was really something. Something I can't quite put my finger on. I know I have been craving that excitement since my brother and I pulled out of the parking lot. I spent the drive home thinking of the next competition we could get into, and training harder, better, and smarter. It would be awesome to workout in a gym like that everyday, and train with bumper plates and heavy weight without worrying about dropping it on the floor. I also spent the drive home trying not to cramp up or fall asleep.
The atmosphere at Crossfit FBO presented by everyone involved was outstanding. I want to compete. I was missing the edge in the workouts before and this general ass kicking was just what I needed to try and take my workouts to the next level (after my body heals for sure). Compete to get better everyday.
I'm going to scour the web for upcoming ass kicking competitions. Time to take it to the next level at the Hammer Mill. I forgot what competition feels like even it means getting whooped. The preparation and execution is what it all about now. Get your mind right.
Congrats, again, to all the winners and competitors, and thanks to everyone for making it a great experience.
You can see in the picture below that my hand was still in the claw from the hanging squat cleans.
My brother Joe and I after the Garage Games. It was a lot of fun doing this with Joe.
The Mill: The Garage Games are right around the corner, my first competition, and I'm not sold on how it will turn out for me. Am I training the right way? Am I prepared to do 3 max effort WOD's in one day? Ahh the hell with it. I'm training how I want to train which is simply just following the main site. I don't have the opportunity to train 3 times a day, but the once a day workout sure is ball busting. And new t-shirts are always good. My dad always said, "look good, you'll play good", he was a stickler for having your shirt tucked in on the court/field. Well, my shirt will be tucked into my gym shorts. Thanks for that one.
My plan for the week leading up to the Garage Games is to go at the WOD's with low intensity and the right mindset. (If anyone has any tips about how to train the week leading up to the competition please let me know.) The goal is to compete the whole day and finish the WODs in the RX'd Division. And please no cramps. It's definitely going to be challenging, but what CF WOD isn't, right? It's supposed to be challenging.
Anyways, I'm crazy excited/nervous/anxious for the Garage Games almost like those big game jitters. Not quite that feeling, but damn near it. It will be my first time in a CF Box, Crossfit FBO, and working out with that many people. But I guess I'm excited for the atmosphere and competitiveness that's going to be jammed packed into one crazy Saturday in Erie, PA with what I'm sure are awesome people.
This competition is my way of changing things up. Shake up the norm and be different. The 8-5 routine, Monday-Friday (side note I do like my job), doesn't separate me from anybody else. But to me this competition is about testing my limits, a new environment, meeting new people, the atmosphere, and experiencing it with my family. Sounds like an action packed weekend for sure.
Create your own path and be a pioneer.
The 4 workouts below really kicked my ass and made it hurt, too.
Ring Dips
Ring Pulls
Nothing beats a workout in the park with my awesome wife. was supposed to be a body weight bench press, but, well, that would have taken me longer and I had to get to work.
3 rounds for time
400 meter run
55lb. Dumbbell swing, 21 reps
12 pull ups
11:19....this one always feel like I should do it faster. Probably took a long enough break to put me over that 11 minute mark. This one is going to be on repeat after the games.
AMRAP 20 minutes (yep you read that right too)
5 Chest 2 Bar pull ups
5 Ring Dips
15 Squats
23 rounds + 18 reps.....This one needs a name. Any ideas out there drop a line on facebook, twitter, or the comment section. Shoot me an email at
Quick shout out to JH on his pr!
Rise & Grind
Check this out... Crossfit for Hope
To sum it up, there will be a workout done to raise money for this awesome cause. There are a ton of other participants so if you want to sponsor someone else or just make a straight donation please do.
Look for the Garage Games Experience coming in the next few weeks on the blog. I'm stoked to write about it.
There are 3 Rise & Grind Shirts in circulation now with a 4th one on its way. One is in Alaska and the others are local, but we're spreading the word. If you're interested in purchasing one let me know at or on facebook or twitter (@smann207).
The Mill: As I was doing the 5/17 WOD it felt like my body was giving in. Or was it my mind? It was hard to distinguish between the two in round 4. I gave myself a goal of 10 minutes and when that clock hit the mark I was just starting round 5. I started thinking during the last set of wall ball shots that "maybe I need to take more rest days" and "have I made any gains in the last few weeks" and "maybe it's those animal crackers that slow me down" (they are delicious though). For that final round, final rep, I doubted the program, I questioned the program, and most of all I doubted myself. Can't have that anytime, but these workouts always bring you back to knowing that you can and immediately buries the any doubt. Positive. Positive. Positive. Happy Days.
The thought process of while going through this workout was draining in itself. I began the WOD thinking I was going to crush it. Power cleans are to me like Mario's Star Power is to him. I just flat out don't like wall ball shots. They're boring and hard. Not a good combo. But by the end of the 5th round I felt drained, sweaty, tired, and my forearms were crazy sore. I was sporting the claw for a few minutes post WOD, but finally shook that show I could scratch my head. The cleans got to me more than the wall ball shots which I did not expect. Nevertheless, the workout was finished and my body was restored to it's functional capacity. Love it!
Ah the power of the mind. It's a beautiful thing. Try to keep it sharp challenging your mind as much as your body. They can do amazing things together.
These workouts never let you get too high too low. Each workout gives a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after it beats you down for 15 straight minutes. The workouts always balance themselves out in the end that's for sure. You just have to keep grinding them out. And by the way, it's not the animal crackers.
Don't worry in case you missed it on the last can donate to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital through Crossfit Hope at . 100% of the proceeds benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Congrats JH! There will be a picture of him in his new shirt in the next Mill. The plan backfired a little bit, but no worries I have another one coming up soon. I realized after I posted that there was nothing to comment about; no question, no thought provoking statement, just a blog with a list of workouts on it. And I'm thinking of a Hammer Mill t for the next one. It'll be pretty sweet and you could support the Mill.
Show some love on Facebook with a like or share or retweet it to your all your tweeps.
5rds for time
10 Power Cleans, 135lbs
15 Wall Balls, 20lb ball, 10ft. target 12:46.....This is the first time that I actually used a 10ft target for wall balls. Usually I just throw it up on the wall as high as I can. It changes with every rep. This was a great test/practice for the Great Lakes Challenge. The 3rd WOD in the challenge involves a 600 meter row, 30 hang squat cleans, and 30 wall ball shots with a 7 minute cap. Pretty excited about this one. My brother is participating as well. Should be a fun ass kicking.
Pipe line sprints (not sure of the distance, but the incline and terrain were crazy hard)
50 tire flips
The sun was shining and it was hot and muggy. A perfect day to get out of the gym and enjoy the fresh air. Work sucked afterwards, but it was worth it for sure.
I wasn't sure on how heavy I wanted to go so I settled for 300, but I know now that I could have gotten more. Worked the deadlift movement quite a bit this week which definitely played a role in how much I wanted to lift.
The Mill: Win a free t-shirt! Below is the "official" shirt of the Hammer Mill. It's pretty simple, all you have to do is leave a comment for this post and you will be entered to win the "Rise-and-Grind" shirt. It's pretty sweet I'm not gonna lie. (Thanks Joe for helping with the design/creation) In celebration of the 100th blog post I want to thank the readers/followers and offer something for reading this sub-par writing. Here's your chance! Hop on board and make it happen! The lucky winner will be announced in the next blog, and hopefully with a picture of them wearing the shirt. (My brothers are excluded from this, but chances are they'll get one anyways. They are my brothers ya know.)
Getting involved/immersed in Crossfit has allowed to be a part of something and share my experiences with the community, friends, family, and whoever else will listen/read. Now, I want to try and give something back. I am going to be involved in Crossfit for Hope which benefits St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Donations of any kind would be awesome. Feel free to sponsor me at The workout is:
Three Rounds of Burpees 75lb. Power Snatch Box Jumps, 24" box 75lb. Thruster
To quote the website -
"Hope" has the same format as Fight Gone Bad. In this workout you move from each of the five stations after a minute. This is a five minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate", the athlete must move to the next station immediately for a good score. One point is given for each rep.
I hope you at least give the link a look to see what it is all about. Donations are also accepted from Canada just an FYI for all you Canadian bloggers. $1, $5, $10....whatever you can give know that it is going to a great cause. If you have any questions about how the donations work you can email me at Also, if by chance you don't win the shirt but really feel that you have to have one shoot me an email so I can see how much interest there might be. Thank you in advance if you choose to support the St. Jude Foundation and Crossfit for Hope, and another thank you to all the readers. I greatly appreciate it!
Courtesy of St. Jude's and
Today is your day!
A shout out to my wife, who is a flat out superhero.