5 Rounds for Time:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jumps
30 Thrusters, 20lb. DB
32:26....Well without being too critical of myself, my run sucked and I didn't push myself as hard as I should have this morning. The run was a little longer than 400 meters which maybe added on 30-40secs for each run. Overall, not totally pissed about the performance but definitely always room for improvement.
Cindy, AMRAP 20 minutes
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
21 rounds +pull ups and push ups and 5 squats...PR
The Mill: This WOD took a lot out of me, and left me gasping for air after the second round. I know I haven't been getting enough sleep, and trying to shake the sugar monster from the diet has been a tough little road, but that's just white noise and not an excuse. I completely lost concentration during the last run today, and it seemed like I was moving with cement blocks (probably a legit CF WOD in there). I was my biggest challenge during this WOD. Still left me dragging.
I was amped to start Cindy. I knew I could improve from the last one with better form on all 3 movements. Squats were deeper, push ups were chest to deck, and pull ups were full extension. They all need much more improvement, though. All in due time. Be patient.

Over the holiday break I was lifting at the YMCA and ran into a fellow Crossfitter who was home on break. He WOD's in the 'Burgh and brought to my attention the Zach Miller Story. It's incredible to see how many lives one man can touch. I don't know Zach personally, but stay strong my man. The story is so incredibly inspiring and passionate. Thoughts and prayers.
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