Friday, July 22, 2011

Raise the Roof!!

Three rounds for time of:
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5 foot target)
75 pound Squat snatches, 30 reps (movement initiates with barbell below the knees)

18:40....the last round took me around 8 minutes...PA-THE-TIC...but I'll take it

"One snatch is good.  A few are better.  But 30 are bad".  -MM

Wednesday, July 21

Weighted push-up 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
90-115-120-135-140-160- 165(f)

The Mill:  Today's WOD demonstrated some serious discipline especially when you're by yourself.  You have to drop below the knees for a rep to count and if you don't then the rep doesn't count.  It's that simple.  So it was a wasted movement that made me even more tired.  It only happened a few times, but it still happened.  You have to repeat the rep and go through that shitty feeling again of a squat snatch.  Then a little self-doubt crept into the WOD.  Can I finish this WOD?  I was beat after the second round, my legs, shoulders, arms, you name it and I'm sure I thought it was tired.  After about a minute of whining to myself about how I felt, my mindset instantly changed.  I was kicked into overdrive.  Still working at a pretty good pace for me.  Then the thoughts became under 25 minutes, then under 20 minutes, and then under 19 minutes.  The positive mindset was a game changer as always. 

Have you ever noticed that person in the weight room who always does the "look at me lifts" .  Well, that was me with the weighted push-ups.  I hated it.  I felt like everyone was thinking, "look at that tool with the weight on his back".  They were absolutely right.  I felt like it was the 6th grade dance all over again when I thought that raising the roof was cool.  No really, I thought it was the coolest thing ever.  I remember doing it in the middle of a slow dance.  Anyways, I had the same feeling yesterday in the weight room.  Like everyone was looking at me wondering what the hell is going on.  I say everyone, but in reality there was 6 people in there.  And 2 of them were loading the weights on my back.  About halfway through I realized that I was playing it safe because of the people who may be watching.  I doubt anyone was, but it was just me being paranoid.  Playing it safe, fearing failure, and being unwilling to make a mistake make it hard to improve.  Improve in the weight room, relationships, academics, and life.  Did I mention we were the only couple slow dancing?   Raise the Roof!   

Shout out and congrats to my brother from the same mother (&father) and his wife!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Be excited about today

Tuesday, July 19th 

Seven rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
135 pound Back squat, 29 reps

30:45...... This took a lot longer than I had originally thought, but it was worth it.  Nothing beats a gut check at 6am.  And this hero WOD was nothing short of wrenching.  Back to back squat days, huh.

Monday, July 18th   

Three rounds for time of:
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Tuck Jumps (1round)/Box Jumps (2rounds)


Rock Bottom Squats @ 185 3x5
35lb DB Thrusters 3x5
45lb DB Hang Squat Clean 3x5
Form Thrusters @ 95lbs 2x5

The Mill:  Test yourself!  This morning I tried to test my limits since I do have a lot.  It was my goal to grind out "Manion" this morning after the regional workout last night.  I just wanted to finish it, always running, always squatting, and always moving.  The movements became slow in the middle sets and then as always picked up as the WOD was nearing the end.  Limits are tested every day.  Whether it is at work, home, or any other dwelling spot you like to go.  It's important to understand those limits, but do not limit yourself.  Try it out.  Test it out.  Test yourself.  Make it today!

Over the weekend I did a little outside WOD since the gym was closed and it was beautiful at the park.  5 Rounds of:  1 lap around park (about 400m), 20 squats, 20 sit ups, and 10 pull ups.  It was hot and humid and I loved it.  Nothing beats working out outside.  Yesterday I snuck some weights outside to do the DB lifts, and was constantly looking over my shoulder to see if someone was coming.  That kind of gave me a jolt through the workout.  You know that excitement you felt back in high school.  Kind of like Dazed and Confused and how they were excited about everything.  Football tryouts, Aerosmith concerts, paddles, and all that crazy shit that went on at the party were all exciting.  

Friday, July 15, 2011

Get Some! Even if you're alone

Three rounds for time of:
50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Right arm 

10 GHD Sit-ups; 20 Decline sit ups
50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Left arm
30 Back extensions 


Well, I found out that I was about 100 feet shy of the 100 meters today.  Nevertheless, I had fun with this WOD.  It was challenging enough not to drop the weight on me as I was walking.   

The Mill:  Who are you when no one is watching?  I thought of this while working out this morning.  The gym was empty, just me and 100.1 The Hero.  They play some good tunes, but really I just like the background noise.  Especially alone in the morning.  Usually there's a few people in the gym each morning, but today  it was scarce.  So I thought, will this change my performance?   It can't.  I won't let it.  Who am I trying to impress anyways?  Why do I workout?  For me.  Period.  Primarily because I enjoy it, and really no other reason.  That's pretty crazy to think that I would change my mental approach for something like that or even at all.  It was actually one of the better workouts I've had in a long time.  I was running around like a madman in the there and no one was in my way. 

I remember the opening line of this entry from high school, and it has stuck with me ever since.  I don't know who said it or when they said it.  All I know is that it stuck and helped me become a better person.  The values that you carry when people are watching are the values you should carry when no one is around.  You shouldn't adapt your values and beliefs to others.  Be you all the time.  When you're working alone stay focused.  Challenge yourself.  Small, daily challenges can be fun.  Become better than you were yesterday through challenging yourself.  You only have to worry about competing with yourself.  Not the person next to you in the gym or the office down from you.  Strive to become better each day.  Even when no one is watching.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Take over today and make it your someday!

Rock Bottom Squat 4x5


Back Squat 3x5


Overhead Squat 3x5



5 rounds for time:
10 Wall Ball Shots
200 ft. Farmers Walk 45lb plate in each hand


Just something with my own flavor today. My wrist has limited some movements over the last few days. I had to keep re gripping on the OHS's to keep the bar up. Luckily the bar didn't fall on me.

The Mill: Be Relentless! I've hit a wall in the weight room and now is the time to push through that wall. There are other lifts to do or other programs to follow that will help me in the long run of being me. Being relentless in the weight room or with Crossfit is not the only time. Let the bad ass in you come out at home or work. And by bad ass I mean go getter. Don't settle for something if it's not what you truly desire. Be relentless in your personal pursuit of your goals. Enthusiasm in your relentless efforts will translate into positive thoughts. And positive thoughts will not hinder your performance, but only make it better. That nasty word, negative or can’t, will be a road block in your pursuit. Find ways to defeat those negative thoughts. Positive energy and thinking is contagious. In whatever task you chose, BE RELENTLESS!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Deadlifts and

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
145 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
10 Sit ups
145 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
20 sit ups 


I ran outside for this one as opposed to the treadmill.  Change is good, right?  Even small changes.  The first set was unbroken, but the rest were broken.  A lot.  The running was not too much further than the prescribed 400 meters, but being hot as shit and me being crazy slow the run took a while. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Today's a great day to take the leap; with floaties of course!

Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps @ 210 body weight

45-55-65-70-75-80-82.5 (f)

I gave 82.5 a try and failed.  Maybe next time.

The Mill: 
Be comfortable with the uncomfortable......

I read this the other day and began thinking about pretty much everything I do on a regular basis.  It's all comfortable to me.  Trying new things like new ways to use my body. Remember, functional movements?  Well that's what I want to try to do.  Doing things that are uncomfortable to you, but definitely possible to do, need to be done.  Did you understand that sentence?  This doesn't mean just in the weight room either.  I'm talking every day.  Challenge yourself.  Learn something new.  Become better for it.  Sit down and have a few minutes to yourself.  Read.  An enlightening book.  Try it.  You might like it.  At least it's new.  Personally, I have a list of goals that I keep putting off.  They are all new to me.  And hopefully in a short time I will be able to complete these goals one by one.  Be comfortable enough with yourself to become uncomfortable and conquer any task.  Think back to when you were a young child.  Were to afraid to look uncomfortable in front of your peers?  I was for sure.  I have vivid memories of times when I did not want to try something that made me feel uncomfortable.  Do I regret it?  No, I was 6.  I'm sure it will happen again, but I'm going to limit the chances. 

You can always come back to your comfort zone, but for a brief moment you can step away.  Learn and do new things/activities.  What's stopping you?  I'm excited for our vacation to get here.  My list goals may be knocked out before we return.  Just some various activities and some simple things that I have never done before.

On a side note....How 'bout them Buccos!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ask Yourself?

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
135 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
135 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

14:55....modified a bit

I enjoyed this workout and chose to go with 135 instead of 155.  My PR push jerk is 160 so I would not only struggle with 155 but probably not be able to do all of the 30 reps required.  However, I do feel like I pushed myself in the modified WOD.  A Hero WOD, nonetheless.  Check out Tomothy Davis on the main site. 

The Mill: Weight room toughness.  I'm guilty of it sometimes and sometimes I feel like I don't belong in a new gym while I'm traveling.  I have become comfortable with the gym I use and know mostly everyone that works out there, however, have you ever noticed the "tough guy" routine in the gym.  Like he's too cool or too tough to talk to anyone.  Does a set, looks around with a snarl, does another set, looks around with yet another snarl..  Who is this guy?  We all do it at some point or another.  Like a lion marking it's territory.  A little less extreme, but along the same principles.  He walks by you at least a half dozen times without a look or a hello.  His music must be too loud to acknowledge anyone.  We don't even need the radio anymore because this guy has Enimen's greatest hits playing for everyone.

Maximize the day!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


6 Rounds for time of:

50lb DB 50 yard walk 

115lb Push Press, 12 reps 

Box Jump, 12 reps 

95lb Sumo high pull DL, 12 reps

Did this one on 11/21/10 at 22:39

PR: 20:49
 -This one felt pretty good.  It was tough and painful

Warm up 1 mile run - 7:30
Three rounds for time of:
135 pound Front squat, 12 reps
12 Burpee pull-ups  


Both worked up a good lather. The push presses seemed to go better than they did last time.  I only had 2 or 3 broken sets with the presses.  The SHPDL was a completely different story.  They sucked.  I struggled with each set I did and was unable to finish a clean one. 
As for the burpee pull ups.....Well they were I think.  The bar was about 6 inches out of my reach so I reloaded after each burpee and jumped into the pull up. 

The Mill:  These workouts really exemplify functional movement.  There was a lot of moving parts to execute each lift and each movement.  Everyday life stuff, I guess.  Outside of the weight room I will probably never need to pick up a barbell, but I may have to lift something off the ground.  Like a rock.  I know pretty plain, but stay with me.  Maybe a rock falls on my leg/foot or I get stuck hiking; these lifts may be able to help me.  Yoga, kickboxing, pilates, or anything that develops and incorporates functional movements will be beneficial to your life everyday. 

Friday, July 1, 2011


Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps


Push Press 5-5-5


I struggled with the form on the last set.  I pretty much did a straight leg DL with 310lbs.  Which by any means is not good at all.  The deadlift will be put on the back burner for a few weeks so I can regroup and set some damn PR's.  The form on the first few sets was pretty good and the lift felt really good.  The Push Press's were done primarily because I haven't done them in a while and since I won't be able to get to a gym over the weekend.

The Mill:  I'm going to take a few days off this weekend.  Which led to me think when was the last time I took 4 consecutive days off from the gym/weight room.  I really can't remember, but that's not say that I'm a gym rat.  I just have a shitty memory.  Hopefully, it helps me in the long run.  Let the body reboot and get after it beginning Tuesday.  Tae Bo....'nuff said

My dad would do this religiously in the morning.  I would hear him jumping around at 5am.  Punching, kicking, slapping.  The works.  He did it.  Thanks mom for the lovely box set idea.  I was recently at a Bed and Breakfast, The Parish House Inn, and the box set was right outside our door.  All I could think about in my paleo drunken stupor was how loud that was every morning.  Then the gym membership came back and thankfully Billy Blanks was with the rest of the workout legends.