Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Take over today and make it your someday!

Rock Bottom Squat 4x5


Back Squat 3x5


Overhead Squat 3x5



5 rounds for time:
10 Wall Ball Shots
200 ft. Farmers Walk 45lb plate in each hand


Just something with my own flavor today. My wrist has limited some movements over the last few days. I had to keep re gripping on the OHS's to keep the bar up. Luckily the bar didn't fall on me.

The Mill: Be Relentless! I've hit a wall in the weight room and now is the time to push through that wall. There are other lifts to do or other programs to follow that will help me in the long run of being me. Being relentless in the weight room or with Crossfit is not the only time. Let the bad ass in you come out at home or work. And by bad ass I mean go getter. Don't settle for something if it's not what you truly desire. Be relentless in your personal pursuit of your goals. Enthusiasm in your relentless efforts will translate into positive thoughts. And positive thoughts will not hinder your performance, but only make it better. That nasty word, negative or can’t, will be a road block in your pursuit. Find ways to defeat those negative thoughts. Positive energy and thinking is contagious. In whatever task you chose, BE RELENTLESS!

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