Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Be excited about today

Tuesday, July 19th 

Seven rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
135 pound Back squat, 29 reps

30:45...... This took a lot longer than I had originally thought, but it was worth it.  Nothing beats a gut check at 6am.  And this hero WOD was nothing short of wrenching.  Back to back squat days, huh.

Monday, July 18th   

Three rounds for time of:
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Tuck Jumps (1round)/Box Jumps (2rounds)


Rock Bottom Squats @ 185 3x5
35lb DB Thrusters 3x5
45lb DB Hang Squat Clean 3x5
Form Thrusters @ 95lbs 2x5

The Mill:  Test yourself!  This morning I tried to test my limits since I do have a lot.  It was my goal to grind out "Manion" this morning after the regional workout last night.  I just wanted to finish it, always running, always squatting, and always moving.  The movements became slow in the middle sets and then as always picked up as the WOD was nearing the end.  Limits are tested every day.  Whether it is at work, home, or any other dwelling spot you like to go.  It's important to understand those limits, but do not limit yourself.  Try it out.  Test it out.  Test yourself.  Make it today!

Over the weekend I did a little outside WOD since the gym was closed and it was beautiful at the park.  5 Rounds of:  1 lap around park (about 400m), 20 squats, 20 sit ups, and 10 pull ups.  It was hot and humid and I loved it.  Nothing beats working out outside.  Yesterday I snuck some weights outside to do the DB lifts, and was constantly looking over my shoulder to see if someone was coming.  That kind of gave me a jolt through the workout.  You know that excitement you felt back in high school.  Kind of like Dazed and Confused and how they were excited about everything.  Football tryouts, Aerosmith concerts, paddles, and all that crazy shit that went on at the party were all exciting.  

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