Friday, July 8, 2011

Today's a great day to take the leap; with floaties of course!

Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps @ 210 body weight

45-55-65-70-75-80-82.5 (f)

I gave 82.5 a try and failed.  Maybe next time.

The Mill: 
Be comfortable with the uncomfortable......

I read this the other day and began thinking about pretty much everything I do on a regular basis.  It's all comfortable to me.  Trying new things like new ways to use my body. Remember, functional movements?  Well that's what I want to try to do.  Doing things that are uncomfortable to you, but definitely possible to do, need to be done.  Did you understand that sentence?  This doesn't mean just in the weight room either.  I'm talking every day.  Challenge yourself.  Learn something new.  Become better for it.  Sit down and have a few minutes to yourself.  Read.  An enlightening book.  Try it.  You might like it.  At least it's new.  Personally, I have a list of goals that I keep putting off.  They are all new to me.  And hopefully in a short time I will be able to complete these goals one by one.  Be comfortable enough with yourself to become uncomfortable and conquer any task.  Think back to when you were a young child.  Were to afraid to look uncomfortable in front of your peers?  I was for sure.  I have vivid memories of times when I did not want to try something that made me feel uncomfortable.  Do I regret it?  No, I was 6.  I'm sure it will happen again, but I'm going to limit the chances. 

You can always come back to your comfort zone, but for a brief moment you can step away.  Learn and do new things/activities.  What's stopping you?  I'm excited for our vacation to get here.  My list goals may be knocked out before we return.  Just some various activities and some simple things that I have never done before.

On a side note....How 'bout them Buccos!

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