Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Little Enthusiasm Please

Monday, August 28
Crossfit Total:
  • Back Squat, 1 Rep, 370lbs
  • Shoulder Press, 1 Rep, 165lbs
  • Deadlift, 1 Rep, 375lbs
The last time I did this WOD was in January and it felt pretty good.  They were all PR's and some by quite a bit and others by a few pounds.  I deadlifted last week with JH and he moves some weight around so I felt like I had to keep up.  We did a 3 sets of 5.  My previous PR was 315 and we did a set of 5 at 320lbs.  Then set a new PR at 375lbs which is still about 50lbs shy of JH's max just to give you an idea.  The other lifts felt good but not as good as the deadlift.  I tried to make it a quick workout which I'll explain later.

Thursday, August 25

5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 lb Overhead Squat, 15 reps

13:28.....beat old time by 6 seconds....baby steps

Wednesday, August 24

3x5 DL's with JH
245-280-320 (PR)

5 rounds:
15 deadlifts, 185lbs.
15 Toes to Bar

23:49....took it at pretty low intensity and just wanted to finish the WOD

You should have seen this guy yesterday
The Mill:  Enthusiasm and enjoyment.  Enjoy what you do in order to succeed.  Be enthusiastic about today and enjoy everything about it.  Enthusiasm can stimulate others and ignite something that they may not have noticed before.  It is contagious.  But like anything else, must be done in moderation.  Like having a few drinks or curling in the squat rack.  Three sets is enough.  Give someone else a turn.  Enthusiasm will get results, and also breed confidence. 

*Shout out to our neighbors to the north and the Animal Pack......

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