Seven rounds of:
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch
Make one snatch attempt per round.
14:59 @ 115lbs for a total of 805lbs.....weak, lame, and all those other words....lets face it I gotta get my mind right. Since the back injury I have been reluctant to load up the bar. So I warmed up with 95lbs. and knew that 115lbs. would work and still be somewhat challenging. Because of the "one snatch" maximum per round there was still a little self pressure to get each one. The double unders are becoming more consistent and easier to handle. I did manage to slash the back of my head a few times with the rope, and not to my surprise they hurt like a b***h.
Had to workout in the dungeon this morning. One of our teams were practicing in the crap gym that I use, and with the double unders I didn't want to be in the weight room. I was blocked in by large high school-like dividers
The Mill: These workouts, as well as most other types, have a way of humbling me every time. There's never enough time to be too high or too low because the next thing you know it's time to move some weight or go on to the next movement. It keeps you pretty even keel despite the fact that you get fired up to do the WOD. My dad once wrote something on a pizza box after a shalacking of a game. Where my good friend, our pitcher, gave up an 800ft. home run that dented the concrete, just a good old fashion ass kicking. I'm talking like football score bad. He wrote in blue pen on the front of that pizza box, "You're never as good as your best day, and you're never as bad as your worst." Now I'm sure that's a famous quote from some scholar, but nevertheless that has stuck with me ever since. Improving every day!
The whole being a dad thing has really been sinking in as of late. Especially since my wife and I are condensing all of our clothes and whatnot into one room. We each had separate rooms before, but with a lot of moving around we were able to get everything into one closet so the little guy can have his own room. Come to find out there is much more that a baby needs than just a crib and diapers. I hope he's a better reader than daddy.
Energy and Enjoyment!
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