Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Who you callin' a chicken you turkey


For Time:

100 Burpee Pull Ups

14:32....  Found myself struggling after #20.  Just struggling mentally because burpees suck.  It's a pretty strong love/hate relationship with burpees.  It helped when I broke the count into 10's.  Made the burpee/pull ups seem a little more manageable.  A newbie was in the weight room today, and seemed a little concerned about the burpees.  Not to worry my friend, I'm not really humping the ground.  It's merely a burpee.  I'm surely thankful for burpees.


For Time:
10 Handstand push ups
225lb. Deadlift, 15 Reps
25 Box Jumps
50 Pull Ups
100 Thrusters, 25lb. DB
100 Bar Jumps
400 Meter Run

25:18...  Rocked out legit handstand push ups.  I managed to get through the first 5 unbroken.  Improvement is right around the corner.  Might be a new favorite.   Doubt it since I hate being upside down.  It's slightly different then the main site WOD yesterday.  I used what I had handy and could remember.  

The Mill:  Gonna get a little sentimental on you I apologize ahead of time.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and you may not have noticed that because we are being drowned in advertisements for the dreaded black friday.

Give thanks where thanks is due.  Those people that have impacted our lives, no matter how minuscule it may seem, have helped shape us into who we are today.  Those special people past and present who have helped lead you onto your current path deserve a "thank you".  Tell them in a card, in a prayer, on the phone, or over turkey.  

Put on the stretchy pants and enjoy life.
Thanks to everyone who follows!

Shout out to family and friends!  Happy Day for the neighbors to the north. (just in case...I mean Canada)



Enthusiasm and passion....

One of my all time favorites...just for fun