Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get After It.....

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

135-140-155-155-165-175-185 (f)-185

Positive. Positive. Positive.  Before the failed rep I had some negatory thoughts find their way in.   What if the bar drops on my head? Ok, that's pretty extreme, but somewhat along those lines.  No worries though, I am thankful I was able to workout this morning.  

The Mill:  This stems a little deeper than a morning workout or blog post.  Really, it's me clearing my mind and re-evaluating the values that help guide me through each day.  Learn to accept the humbling opportunities/events instead of dismissing them all together, and allow them to keep you on an even level.  There are so many "valued" words that it is easy to just use the words to describe how you want to be or act.  Words shouldn't define a person.  Daily actions define a person.  How do I go about my day?  What's important to me?  Live life honest.  It makes everything so much easier.  Better yet; the Golden Rule.  "Treat others how you would want to be treated."  It's easy to tell people who are, but it's another to actually do it. 

My favorite quote of all time:

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, but rather where he stands in times of challenge and controversary." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Good old Billy Madison.  Find that f@#$%&!g dog!  Think about it......

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