Friday, November 4, 2011


95 LB Thrusters
Pull Ups

6:45.....Two minutes slower than last time.  Thrusters were more legit this time around.  Each one was below parallel and locked out overhead.  Mechanics-consistency-intensity.  Just because it was two minutes slower doesn't mean it that it didn't suck.  Oh it still sucked.  It was crazy intense the whole way through.  As soon as I finished I was a little pissed with the time but pleased with the form.  I'll take it. Love me a good challenege in the AM.  Get after it!

500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

4:05....Just a little additional sweat for the Friday morning workout...This was a good test for me to see if I could bounce back after Fran. 

The Mill:  Just a thought.  During Fran today I thought of the Brisk Iced Tea commercials that featured Rocky.  You know right around the time when Celebrity Death Match was "fun" to watch.  I was thinking around thruster #9 in the second set that this ain't over.  All I need is a drink.  But there was not any iced tea.  That's Brisk baby! 

Challenge yourself to be great! 

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