Friday, June 3, 2011

Clean.................Snatch.. It's about time

The wod's were pretty tough physically and mentally the last 2 days.  The cleans are always fun despite me looking like an ass on the failed attempt.  Then almost falling over on the successful 225.  But, what the hell, I finished the lift.  The split snatch were little tough since I did them the previous day only because I haven't done that lift in a while.  It's like when you enjoy eating hamburgers and you haven't had one for a while then you eat a juicy burger every day for the next week.  That's what the snatch felt like only it wasn't juicy.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

185, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225(f), 225

Post Wod:
6 rounds
5db one arm snatch (each arm) 50lbs
5 dips


Thursday, June 2, 2011


Seven rounds for time of:
40 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Right arm
3 pull ups, 3 squats
40 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Left arm
3 pull ups, 3 squats
Alternate feet in the split snatch sets.

Subbed pull ups and squats for rope climb....

Back assistance work post wod

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