Tuesday, June 14, 2011

F@#$ FRAN!!!!

The Hammer:  Since yesterday was packed I decided to do Fran on my lunch break since I knew it would be quick.  I was the only one in the gym so it was get in and get out.  I warmed up today with a little 5 minute jog with some movements afterward to get the blood flowing.  Then I jumped right into Fran and demolished the first set of thrusters, unbroken, perfect form, and then the pull ups crushed me.  All sets broken and shitty.  Then the set of 15 thrusters were moving along great until I smoked myself in the nose with the barbell.  This was not a love tap by any means.  My big Italian nose was sticking out over everything.  I'm surprised this is the first time.  

95 lb. Thrusters
Pull Ups

4:52 missed PR by 12 seconds

The Mill:  Not too much happening here.  Just living the dream. 

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