Monday, June 6, 2011

Control...appreciate....and everything else

The Hammer:  Snatch Balance....can't quite master this lift

Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
95, 105, 135, 140, 145, 155, 165

I felt a little off this morning. I couldn't quite get the right technique with my warm ups @95lbs

20 lbs less than my previous max and I'm not too happy

The Mill:  Control what you can which is only yourself and your own actions.  If you take care of you then you will be able to help others when needed.  Do not lose site of what is important and things always work out over time.  Something I have not been very good at is appreciating my family and friends.  I don't take them for granted, but I don't say "thank you" enough or appreciate the small things.  I'm not in need of lifestyle change just simply change my outlook.  Life is good, but selfishly I need everyone to be on the same page. 

Sorry for the sappiness of this entry.  I'll try to keep it to a minimum. 

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