Thursday, June 16, 2011

Couldn't Cut It!

The Hammer:  Well I cut the workout in half due to time constraints and the fact that I almost threw up just by reading the WOD.  After doing the half ass version I'm pretty steamed because now I know that there would have been enough time.  See I have been craving chicken wings for a while now and I decided that last night was finally my time to dive in and eat some.  And it was worth it. 

3 Rounds For Time:
500 Meter Row
25 Burpees 
25 Box Jumps
400 Meter Run

24:42 and disappointed.....Next time

The Mill:  The gym was packed yesterday which makes it tough to use a lot of equipment at once.  This was bumping shoulders crowded like a packed movie house for the opening of Harry Potter.  But I managed and received a lot of dirty looks from the people who were just standing around waiting to do their next set of curls.  Nothing wrong with that, but why give me the crook eye?  Well today is going to be much of the same. 

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