Hammer: Well this WOD sucked, but it was fun. I had to bounce around from squat racks to smith machines to straight bars all to do the pull ups. That part was kind of interesting because I had to use many different grips like wide, close, under, over and whatever else to try and wrap my paws around the bar. For the record I suck at double unders.
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 DB swings, 50lbs
100 Single-unders
95 pound Overhead squat, 100 reps
The Mill: I won't touch on the draft until it is officially over. But How 'bout them Battling Buccos???? I think there's 2 or 3 potential all stars on that team (another Coach Lou Brown reference). More to follow that's for sure. The year of the Pirates.
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