Monday, June 27, 2011

Watch Out!

For time:
Run 800 meters
Clean and Jerk, 30 reps @135lbs
Run 800 meters


A few things came into play with this WOD.  Firstly, the gym closes at 5pm on Fridays and I don't get out of work until 4:30.  Secondly, there is only enough room in the gym for one bar to be used for clean and jerks so I worked with a partner.  This actually helped me I think.  I typically like going at it alone, but this was a little added giddy up to the clean and jerks.  I arrived at the gym at 4:33 and since I changed in my office I was able to begin warming up.  It was a joke of a warm up since neither of us knew how long this would take.  I rushed through a "warm up" to begin running.  I despise running, and only recently do I feel this way.  It used to be a strong attribute of mine, but somewhere along the way it began to fade.  I think it was all the beer and shit that I ate/eat.  I love me an ice cold beer.  Anyways, the workout began with a boom.  I mean literally a boom.  Our feet pounded the treadmills.  So neither of us our runners anymore.  The clean and jerks are where having a partner worked out.  We did it in sets of 5.  If I were to do it by myself, I may have worked in sets of 3 with a shorter break.  The second leg of the running was even more miserable considering the cleans and jerks.  Being a miserable workout means that it was a kick ass WOD.  I enjoyed the 14 minutes of non-stop moving.  Its that being alive pain that really takes it to the next level. 

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