For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
33:59 as rx'd
Great workout and extremely happy when it was over. The burpees at the end sucked as did the du's. I'm still working on my DU's so they were sloppy, but the good news is I ended the set of 50 with 11 consecutive DU's. Personal record? Not sure but I'll take it as one.
Which on all accounts we could use. It was simple and fun always sweatin' the oldies. Who doesn't like to watch Richard Simmons bounce around with people of all ages? I know I just browsed through a handful of videos and enjoyed them all. The mix of workouts being completed are amazing. Everyone does something different. My good friend is doing the 5-3-1 program courtesy of Jim Wendler, and I Crossfit. There's this one guy who only lifts biceps. Period. Not even a lot. But he's still in pretty good shape. You know that guy. One set, walk around, think about another set, walk around, and then approach the curl bar only to realize that he's now thirsty. They all work. The Wendler program has added strength to who I refer to as Big Back. A house in the people sense of the word. The bicep program is, well just that, the bicep program. Crossfit is perfect for me. I don't have to plan my workouts, although I do. I think about them all day in between things like, how to raise a baby and will my lunch go bad sitting in my bag all day. So I have a plan for the workout, and if it's a quick MetCon then I'll succumb and hit some bi's and tri's. The main site WOD is followed by lifts of particular body parts. I once again blend in nice to the crowd at the gym when Crossfit is over. My point is they all work. Not one better than the other. Try new things and become a better person for it. What will help you accomplish your daily goals outside of the gym? What will help you carry an arm load of groceries, car seat, couches, mow the lawn, or anything for that matter? Richard Simmons had the right idea. Movement. Functional Movement. These programs today are Sweatin' with the Oldies on protein shakes, workout boosters, post workout drinks, and everything else that we take to help us perform better. Thanks Richard for the arm shaking and heel tapping movements that have led to today's evolution of various functional movement workouts.
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