Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Recommit - Rededicate - Refocus

Power Clean
5x3 @185 and one set at @205
Some back work

Monday's WOD fell through.  I walked in the gym and it was crowded and I just wasn't feeling the back and forth of a 15 minute workout.  So I took to Ol' Faithful and power cleaned a little before moving into some back lifts.  Once I got bored with the back assistance work I high tailed it out of there and went to the field.  Now, I don't have much at the field just some tires (on the small end) to hold down the tarp.  I think I made it work just fine.  I cleaned the tires, threw behind my head, pushed pressed the tires, jumped on the tires, threw them some more, ran a few hills, and carried them a little while.  So today, I want to focus on the main site WOD and my diet.  I eat a ton of cookies.  I'm talking like a whole row of Chps Ahoy!
And boy oh boy are they delicious.  So now I have to concentrate more on what I eat for a late night snack.  I do pretty good all day all things considering.  I'm not going to even try Paleo for the lone fact that I also like a good waffle in the morning.  Maybe this is something that comes with more discipline or maybe it's something that I just don't feel like changing.  Anyways, the WOD from Monday was good.  Just slinging some rubber down at the field got a good sweat and then got the hell out of there.  I'm still in the process of trying to locate some bigger tires so I can do more workouts at the field. 

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